Light amongst chaos

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Korra appeared through the enchanting light of the spirit portal. After her came Kai and Jinora. Jinora gasped when she entered the spirit world. What once was a bright meadow of spirits and flowers was now dry, and the sky was a navy blue with dark spirits flying around. Korra was speechless.

"Sooo... This is my first time in the spirit world." Kai said, "Is it always like this?"

"No." Said Jinora. "Something's wrong"

"Well, I know someone who would know what's going on here." Korra said. She guided them to a small hut, a beacon of color and light amongst the darkness. An old man with a beard came out with a sad look on his face.

"Uncle Iroh!" Said Korra, "Are you okay?"

"Of course not!" Iroh said. "I don't have anyone to play Pai Sho with anymore! They don't even want any of my famous ginger tea!"

"This is Uncle Iroh, Lord Zuko's uncle." Jinora explained to Kai.

"Wait... " Kai said, deep in thought, "The general Iroh? Master of Pai Sho, The god of lightning?"

"Well," Said Iroh "I don't know if people actually call me that but yes, that is me. Would you care for some tea?"

"I don't think that we should have tea now because we came here to find out what is happening. Tenzin and the other council people disappeared tonight and now the spirit world is thrown into chaos!" Said Korra.

"There is a group of spirit assassins called the Dead Lotus,"

"HOW MANY GROUPS NEED TO HAVE THE WORD LOTUS IN THEIR NAME!" Korra screamed in anger and stress.

"Let me continue," Said Iroh "The dead lotus was the very first group with the word lotus in its name and they were a group of spirits who would take over a mortal's body and murder other humans. The White Lotus was formed solely to stop the Dead Lotus from murdering humans and with a bit of help from Avatar Kuruk, we managed to trap them in the spirit world but apparently they are back and want to take over both the spirit and material world. The only way to stop them is to harness power from the next lunar eclipse and trap them back in the spirit world."

"But how did they get out in the first place?" Asked Jinora.

"They must have gotten some spiritual energy from the harmonic convergence and saved it up until they had enough to escape from their prison high up in the mountains of doom." Iroh explained to them.

"But how are we going to stop them?" Asked Kai, "I haven't even gotten my airbending tattoos!"

"For that," Said Iroh, "You will have to stay in the spirit world until you are ready. The Dead Lotus has already taken over the spirit world and so they won't bother anyone here. I suggest you tell your parents that you will be here for a while."

"Wait... " Said Jinora, "We came here to find daddy! It's already past midnight!"

"He would be in the mountains of doom now," Said Iroh, "That is where the Dead Lotus imprisons powerful mortals who stand a chance against them."

Jinora burst into tears. Kai sat next to her to comfort her but it didn't help.

"Daddy..." Jinora said with tears in her eyes.


Hey guys! Even though this is only my second chapter of Kainora: A step ahead, I hope you all like it so far! Sorry if there isn't much of Kainora yet, but I assure you that there will be a buttload of it in the next few chapters!

-The Author

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