Old Friends

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"Lord Zuko?"

"Korra? You're here?" Zuko said as he turned around.

"Woah, you look really young!" Korra said, very surprised.

"Yeah, thanks to a cool spell Raava did, I turn back into a teenager whenever I enter the spirit world, which gives me a longer time to live." Zuko said as he adjusted his shirt. Zuko looked about 16, his jet-black hair falling over his eyebrows. His hazel eyes shone as brightly as ever, and he had HUGE biceps, not gonna lie. (ANY OF YALL ZUKO SIMPS HERE?)

"Korra? Are you here?" Korra turned around towards the sound of Sokka's very cracky voice.

"I guess you've met my dear old friend..." Zuko sighed, smiling gently. "Hello Sokka, a pleasure to see you."

"Still Mr. Buff-and serious guy, huh? You really haven't changed, buddy." Sokka said, smirking as he leaned against the doorway.

"Like you changed either." Zuko said, scrunching up his face playfully.

Korra groaned "Alright kids, enough teasing, let's discuss more pressing matters. The Black Lotus-"

"Take a chill pill, Korra." Zuko sneered.

"Like some hot-headed firebending 16 year-old would tell me to do that" Korra snapped back.

"Well I'm not the one who couldn't fulfill their job as the avatar.*

"Woah guys, calm down, we're here to be friends, not bicker like some old married couple."

"There's 3 of us..." Zuko said.

"Would that make us a threesome-"

"Woah there Korra, no weird stuff, ok?" Sokka sighed, furrowing his brows.

"How about some bonding time? We could, I don't know, feed ducks?" Zuko suggested.

"Why would we feed ducks?" Korra asked, confused. "Ya know what, it's fine, let's just go feed ducks... Or something...:

"Great, time for some friendship and love and bonding!" Sokka said excitedly as he wrapped his arms around each f their shoulders, pulling them outside. "God, why are both of you so freaking tall..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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