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"wh- huh?" Ayato said confused "haru?" He said wondering why he's here "thanks for letting me in!" Haru said walking in on his own "HUH!?!" ayato said "wai-" ayato called yet got interrupted "I'm so glad you where awake! This face would've stood out in a crowd!" Haru said "wha.." ayato said confused "either I walk home.." "HARU" ayato said making haru face him "hm?" He said "DONT BE SO NONCHALANT" ayato said "did that..with the police?" Ayato asked seeing the bruise on his face "ahh that's not it don't worry" haru said "I only got dumped girls are surprisingly strong y'know?" Haru said smiling "eh?" Ayato thought. "So you know~ well you know I made an arrangement with this girl infront of a hotel." Haru said "a girl..hotel" Ayato said in his head as haru held an ice pack to his face "and then I forgot I made a promise with this other girl which I pretty much double booked! My luck was so bad I pretty much bumped into them infront of a hotel." Haru said "ah, and by them I mean her and her friend ah! And I've been with her friend before. Isn't my luck just horrible?!" Haru said as ayato sweat dropped. "Well you can guess what happened next it was a fight scene from hell" haru explained more pleasure seeker no morals "ahh..ahhh" ayato thought remembering Thomas words "it was true he'd use anyone.." ayato thought "Thoma even tho you said that for my sake I'm so sorry" ayato thought "so I was hit three times" haru said "to think that he's like this" ayato thought "like ah this is gonna hurt again" haru said laughing "ah, I can't believe anything anymore" ayato said sweat dropping "ahh! It makes me laugh but.." haru began to say "sure it was my fault but.. being told awful things makes me sad. Times like this make me a little sad.." haru said smiling softly "just kidding! I'm just paying for my mistakes or something like that" haru said laughing "haru." Ayato said pulling haru into a hug "Ayato?" Haru said "what?" Ayato said "... y'know you really are a god person, not many people do this you know?" Haru said smiling "....n" "well if your gonna do that" haru suddenly kissed ayato "eh?" Ayato said "you'll get caught by a bad person like me you know" haru said smiling as ayato blushed "with me...just like that" ayato said before kissing haru "mm..na..me...a-ayato" Haru said "behind me the...bed" haru said "ah." Ayato pushed haru backwards as they now moved onto the bed laying down still making out and whatever and ayato thought it was a dream I mean kissing you crush is just a dream is it not?....not alot of people get to do that ahaha... anyway carrying on with what they are doing which is making out and shi when suddenly boom they weren't making out instead doing...

"Ha..ah-n...ha.." "haru." Ayato said "mm..it's okay don't make that face" haru said holding his face "it feels good after all" he said smiling as ayato couldn't take it anymore and pulled haru by the arm towards him "eh-" haru said "ayato?" Haru asked since he's once in a hug from ayato "what's wrong?" Haru asked "you made such...a lonely face" ayato thought as haru's smile wasn't a smile anymore and pulled away from the hug "y'know you really are kind...well..then" haru said "maybe it would've been better if you where a little mean" haru said smiling "haru?" Ayato asked "just kidding" he said "ha-...HYA" ayato said when haru moved up so he can put ayato's dick in him "haru..even tho your so hard" he said "nhn..ha..n..ha-...haa" moans where heard "your making such a hurt face..tell me that I'd be better if you were a little mean" haru said "come on it's all the way in" haru added "so big..hey can you stay inside me like this?" Haru asked rubbing ayato's ears "besides me you do this alot with..." Ayato thought WHOOSH "WHA-...ayato-....Wha-" haru said confused as he looked back at ayato who had a different expression on his face as he blushed "ayato?" He called out I don't want that. Ayato said in his head as he leaned down whispering into haru's ear "hey do you say that to anyone else?" He asked making haru blush and tear up "N-...no I don't-" *thrust* "Mm...ah-" moans and skin slapping together was heard "no- wait" haru said moaning "no..wait-" he just kept moaning as he turned his face to look at ayato "no...more" he said as Ayato brought him into a kiss as he still thrusts into haru "no-.." haru whined "ah..it feels good~" he moaned as ayato leaned down to haru's ear once again "haru" he said moans where heard again. "Oi. Stop making that face" Thoma said to ayato who was gloomy "geez what happened this time" Thoma asked "once I woke up in the morning he was gone I'm such a horrible person after doing that with him after inviting him over" ayato thought "I'll give you some fried chicken if you cheer up" Thoma said giving his chicken to ayato who was still in his thoughts "don't lie...and also.. looking like he really wanted it" ayato thought "but even saying that when I came in him" ayato still thinking as Thoma looked at him with a hopeless expression "you probably shouldn't see haru that much" Thoma said getting ayato out of his thoughts "hm?" Ayato said "it's Thoma and ayato!" Haru said appearing out of nowhere as ayato flinched "oh haru" Thoma said "good morning! Can I sit next to you?" Haru said "g-morning" ayato said as he imagined haru's reaction "I'm sorry please stay away from me" but nope all wrong "good morning!" Haru said smiling sitting down "huh...he's acting normally" ayato thought "hey, hey ayato?" Haru asked "yes!?" Ayato said "can I come over again today?" Haru asked as ayato's eyes widened "what...wha!?" He thought seeing haru stick his tongue out as Thoma let out a tired sigh.

End of chapter two.

Love Is Something That Falls. ayato x MaleHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin