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I finally said goodbye to haru. "What's up ayato" Thoma said sliding open the door "ah.. good morning" ayato said looking dead making Thoma gloom "y-yeah" he said "what happened to you? You've been looking like crap recently" Thoma asked "don't tell me you fought with haru again" Thoma said "n-no!" Ayato said "your not wrong but.." "man just give up already you and haru don't match-" Thoma was cut off "we stopped" ayato said making Thoma silent "huh?" He said "we've already stopped" he said again "when you said we've stopped do you mean-" "thoma~ morning so, this is really bad but will you listen to what happened" haru said jumping onto Thomas back not even aware ayato was there who was surprised "HARU" Thoma said "okay so I was really drunk and when I went to a hotel yesterday my money was stolen. Thoma comfort me~!" As Thoma grew annoyed "haru ayato is here so..." Haru's eyes widened as he looked as auto didn't look at him "ayato Morn-" "sorry I have something to do" ayato said getting up "huh? Ayato!" Haru said as it went silent "what did you guys fight?" Thoma asked as haru made a sad face which Thoma noticed and then left to check on ayato. "Ayato!" Thoma called out "about what happened just now.." he was cut off "someone like me can't make haru happy" ayato said smiling before turning back around "are you fine with that? You like him right?" Thoma asked as ayato was silent "it's best for him if I do this." Ayato said smiling "you really did like him." Thoma said as ayato smiled "that's right" he said then "AYATO!!" as they turned around seeing haru "hey just now!" Haru said grabbing ayato's hands but they got smacked away once again "sorry please don't follow me around anymore" ayato said "there are alot of people like me right?" He said "I understand sorry about that" haru said smiling as Thoma walked to him and put a hand on his shoulder "ayato..you tried your best" he said as they both walked away from the situation.

"Y'know I haven't seen haru around lately I wonder what's wrong." A girl said "who knows maybe he ran off to go live with some girl as a bum" another girl said "no way~" the girl said "I wonder what's up with haru..no I have nothing to do with him now" ayato thought "ahh no but haru hasn't contacted me at all today y'know" Thoma said "he's making us all worried and all that. He Atlest reads my messages so I'm sure nothing bad happened but..are you worried" Thoma said "yeah...I don't have any right to worry but I used to like him." Ayato said. "Geez no way! What the heck that's amusing!" A girl said as ayato and Thoma both looked "that girl...she was with haru before!" Ayato said getting up walking towards them "hey!" Ayato said "huh! Ayato!?" She said shocked "where's haru" he asked "oi ayato" Thoma said "you where with haru before right? What happened to him" ayato asked "I wouldn't know, besides haru cut off all ties with every girl he's been with" she said making ayato freeze "he's probably got hit by a bunch of girls his face was all beaten up when he told me he wouldn't do it anymore he's so lame at this point" she said laughing "...haru isn't lame at all." Ayato said "huh?" The girl said confused "he's bright and kind his smile is beautiful he's really like the sun" ayato said "ayato.." Thoma said sweat dropping as ayato covered his mouth as tears came out his eyes "sorry- I'm gonna leave" ayato said running off "ayato!" Thoma called out "ayato wait up!" Thoma said chasing him "this is bad. Did I make ayato cry!?" The girl said "you sure did" her boyfriend said. Really what do I want to do. "I was the one who said goodbye...but...I still like him I still like haru." Ayato thought "crap I'm gonna cry again" a voice said under the stairs as ayato saw as said "haru?" As haru looked up "ayato?" He asked "ah, it's ayato!" Haru said smiling as a hood was covering his face along with patches covering his bruises on his face as a smile was on his face "y-your face" ayato said walking to him "hm? Ahh its okay it's only because I broke up with all the girls I was with." He explained as ayato was shocked "why?" He asked "it's because I wanted to be embraced by you again I know its to late now but I still want to remember it again." He said smiling "one more time it'll be the last time" haru said tearing up as a hand was put on his cheek as he looked up then he was pulled into ayato's embrace once again as his eyes widened "Ayato?" Haru said "I thought I wouldn't be able to make you happy that's why I really wanted you to hate me but it's no good I like you haru." Ayato said Leaning onto haru's shoulder as haru was shocked yet still decided too..."geez" he said before kissing ayato "this was my chance to finally break it off you really are an idiot" haru said "stupid" haru said looking at him blushing "well then I'm glad I'm a idiot" Ayato said also blushing. "Wait. Wait I don't want too!" Haru said "yes you do" ayato said ontop of haru "don't hide you face" ayato said "your the one who wanted it right?" Ayato said into his ear "but my face is all beaten up" haru said "you did it for me right?" Your the cutest you've ever been" ayato said "your teasing me alot today" haru said pouting "that's not true" ayato said laughing before kissing haru again. As once again moans and skin slapping was heard "ayato it feels better then usual" haru said "maybe it's because I'm doing it with someone I like" haru said smiling as ayato tched "GEEZ! Why are you getting bigger!?" Haru asked as he moaned more "because your cute" ayato said "it's because I always liked you" Ayato added as haru stared before tearing up "are you gonna cry again?" Ayato asked "shut up..." Haru said. "I like you" haru said "ayato I like you" haru moaned "I like you~" he said and then came. Next morning haru woke up to seeing a sleeping ayato as he was surprised "this.." haru thought "this is what a happy morning is" haru thought as groan was heard as ayato slowly woke up "haru?" Ayato. Called out "sorry did I wake you?, You can still sleep" haru said "mm..okay" ayato said smiling pulling him close to him as haru's eyes widened as he hugged ayato tighter "haru?" Ayato asked "it's like a love drama" he thought "it's noth" he said smiling while having his eyes closed.

End of chapter five.
End of story~

Love Is Something That Falls. ayato x MaleWhere stories live. Discover now