3 haru pov/ no pov

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I became interested in his gaze right when I joined college. "And after that.." haru felt as if someone was staring so he looked only to see a male looking at him before turning away "?...haru?" A girl asked "that kid has been looking this way alot..maybe he's someone's Boyfriend" haru thought "it's nothing" haru said to the girl. And after that he continued to look away every time I'd look at him, "he never says a word but instead of that the way he looks at me is exactly how a girl would look at me but they always come up and talk to me...I wonder what's wrong" he said "haru?" Another girl asked "just talk to me already" haru said to himself "heey" the girl said "hm?" Haru asked "ayato was looking this way right? If you know him can you introduce me to him?" The girl said "I have a boyfriend but I also like you right now" she added "see?" Haru thought "even tho you told me you like me....what a lier" he thought as he pulled her close "what's wrong?" The girl asked "if you say anymore I'll get jealous of him alright?" Haru said pouting as the girl blushed and smiled "your so cute!!!" She said "yeah your the one who's cute yuki" he said to her "so you know~" people easily betray each other so I decided there was no need taking relationships seriously..but. I will always love you "haruuuu are you watching that drama again?" My mom would say "yup!" He said smiling "one day I'm also gonna be happy with my soulmate" haru's younger self would say "oh my~" the mother would say. "Haru don't tell me that's...a love letter" one of my friends would say "plus isn't it from kinoshita? Uwhaa so the feelings mutual!" They would say "geez shut up man" I would tell them. My vision of love was like an average person I believed it was something beautiful.. Atlest that's what I thought. "Wait. saya you have a boyfriend if you do something like this" haru's teenage self would say "yea but your fine for right now" saya said "right now what does that mean?" Haru said confused i knew love wasn't as pretty as you see in drama that's why. "Dam are you an elementary school student?" His friends would say while laughing "dude yk shouldn't you fine someone who just half assed you?" Thoma said "why?" Haru asked "when you do that thing there boyfriends are gonna harass you for taking their girl" Thoma said "ahh" haru said but enough of that when I realized Thoma was friends with ayato I took as a chance to get close to him and I thought he was cute but love isn't something that's beautiful that's why I thought I would make you hate me I was planning on saying goodbye but I wonder why..

End of chapter three. Short yes ik bla bla

Love Is Something That Falls. ayato x MaleWhere stories live. Discover now