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Seeing that Jungkook couldn't keep me from going on more runs and our continued mapping of the area surrounding the prison, he usually insisted on joining. We started the summer at ease with a plentiful stock of food and supplies, spending our days making sure the fence was clear of the undead and lulling about the prison.

Jin was the first to notice that something was changing, able to feel it as he worked in the garden more than anyone. He reported back to the group on an evening in mid-July, the deep line between his brows a sign of concern. "There isn't much moisture in the soil. I think we might be heading toward a drought."

Namjoon lifted his head from the medical textbook he was reading, closing it with a thud as he stood. "Alright everyone, you heard Jin. I've noticed that the creek has been a little low too and it's been three weeks without rain. You remember how dire things can get without water, so we need to jump into rationing and come up with a plan to look for more water sources." His voice showed urgency but was absent of worry.

Hobi pinpointed areas that he guessed would have streams or creeks for us to gather water, but as we ventured further from the prison, we found that any water sources were quickly drying, the closest we got to any water over the next couple of weeks a pile of mud left at the bottom of a creek.

Every run we went on was a disappointment as we exhausted ourselves trying to find water, all while draining our supply. I watched as Jin's face started to show fear as he poured tiny cups of water from the few jugs we still had, and Namjoon and Yoongi had more hushed conversations, whispers of alarm between them. We lost any positivity with every disappointment and last drop of a drink, our moods starting to change, more irritable with the heat and desperate for change.

"We should try to check this area." Hobi shrugged, the most weary of us all as he went out on every scavenge. He pointed out the last area on the map to explore, just over twenty miles away.

Namjoon rubbed at his chin, shaking his head. "It's too far in this heat, especially since we ran out of gas. We'd all be risking dehydration if we go." He responded, considering the group's health.

"I'll go, it'll only get worse if we continue like this. There's enough gas in one of the bike's to get me about twenty miles. I'll ride for ten and walk the rest so I can get back with the other half." Jungkook stepped in.

"Okay, Jungkook and I will go." Hobi nodded, refolding the map.

I cleared my throat. "Let me go instead, Hobi. You've already been out there too much." I reminded everyone.

"Absolutely not." Jungkook chimed in immediately.

"None of your crap right now. I know everyone has been giving the two of us the most water anyway." I was always attuned to the way the rest of the group showed favoritism toward him as the youngest and me as the only woman. "Plus, I'm less likely to get dehydrated as a woman."

Namjoon chuckled at my scientific defense, Jungkook letting out an aggravated huff as the rest of the group agreed to the plan.

We decided it would be better to leave just before dawn to get in a few miles before the temperature rose to an unbearable high. The others stayed awake to pack bags filled with supplies and empty jugs while Jungkook and I got some sleep.

I was already awake when Hobi showed up outside my cell, summoning Jungkook and I to go over the details they'd worked out through the night. Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hobi all leaned over the table, laying out everything with simplicity.

"Take the south exit nine miles out. Then you'll walk southwest for around fifteen miles. Based on some of the altitude maps I'm thinking there may be something around here." Hobi circled his finger around a section of the map as we looked on.

AnnihilationOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora