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"I watch the fathers with their little girls,
And wonder what I did to deserve this."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


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Willem isn't happy with me, he's not happy at all.

We have been in my room sitting in silence for god knows how long and only the sound of our breathing fills the silence between us. His breaths are harsh and ragged, almost like he keeps meaning to say something but it just doesn't come out.

When we both stormed into the house my parents were sitting at the dining table having a conversation about something and they turned to look at us and shook their heads as we practically ran up the stairs.

I could practically smell the lingering scent of disappointment as I escaped upstairs.

Corey Meloche: The disappointment of the family, what's new?

"Spit it out, Willem." I speak into the silence and I swear he almost stops for a second.

"What the fuck was all that?" He asks me, looking straight into my eyes for the first time since we came upstairs.

"Nothing man, it was no big deal." I reply, I don't particularly want to go into detail about my worries surrounding Nadia, Willem is already worried enough as it is. Me adding onto that stress isn't needed and Nadia doesn't need me clinging onto her like everyone else is.

She's a strong independent woman, she can deal with this herself.

"Just tell me. You know I'm worried about her. I don't need this added onto everything as well." He practically begs me, I'm sure he's about to get on his hands and knees to beg.

"For fucks sake, fine," I sigh. "Where do I start?" I ask him, it's not like I have a lot to tell him because everything that happened wasn't that big of a deal. Jasper and Maddy just decided to blow it out of proportion and lie about everything to clean their own tracks.

"First of all, why was she there?" He asks to start off the conversion and I roll my eyes. Couldn't he have this conversation with his sister? I mean, she will know her actions better than I do.

"Shouldn't you be asking Nadia this?" I counter.

"I want to hear your side of this." He responds instantly.

My side of this? Is he just being dramatic or did he actually drink tonight and have way too much of it?

"She was there with Maddy and Jasper. My guess is that they invited her and so she went. You know how parties work." I explain. I didn't say it in the nicest way I could've but he's pissing me off.

I'm confused as to what's going through his head right now and it seems like he's trying to accuse me of something without even coming out and saying it. This whole situation is stressing me out over nothing.

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