Chapter 6: The note

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8:58am first lesson start in 2minutes I race to my locker and find a note that says
"Hey☺" i looked around to see if there's a suspect of the person who sent me that note but there's only Toby the science club co-captain.I shove the note in my pocket and reach out my books.I sprint to my English class taught by Mrs Valerie,, when I enter the class the teacher isn't there so there's alot of noise I go and sit at the last chair in the third row at the front. Then Luke Evanston walks in, he looks around and he come and sits next to me, I look at him and I get lost in his deep blue eyes and dark black soft hair I haven't touched it but it looks soft. I stare at him during the hole lesson but he just looks at me and smile. Mrs Valerie asks me a question and I randomly say "Atoms" and I got it right, Luke looks at me and says "well put jade" I smile and say "thanks" and we avoid each others eyed through the whole lesson

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