chapter 9: He does like me

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Its 3:03pm we just got dismissed for home time. I pack my bag and head to the exit door. I quickly walk so I can walk with Eliza, I reached the bus stop and I see Eliza in the bus waving at me. I wave back and start walking alone until I feel a touch on my shoulder I turn and there was Luke Evanston, he smiles and says
" can I um... Walk with u?"
" yeah sure" I replied
We walked and talked all the way to my street and when we finishes saying bye
Luke said
" do u like... Wanna hangout sometime??
U don't have too"
" sure I'll love too" I replied with a grin on my face.
After he walked away I waited until he was no where to be seen and then I squealed
And shouted " Yaya" as I did my happy dance.

After I reached home I chucked my bag on my bed and then went to call my best friend Eliza to fill her in on what happened on my way home.

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