chapter 12: Officially Dating

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Its been 3 months of Luke and I have been dating and it feels quite good to taste how its like for everyone at your school to know your name, greet when ever you enter the room and ask you to sit next to them, but through out all this Lizzy( Eliza) doest sit with me as much as she used to when I wasn't dating Luke Evanston. Sometimes I feel as if our friendship is fading slowly like a soap left in water for too long.

I just finished my lesson and now I have my free period so I go to the library to catch up on my charity project for the pet shop that's closing down soon. When I enter the library I see Caleb and Francois studying so I decide to join then.

2 hours later my free period is about to end so I race to my locker which is number 16 to grab my books for humanity class with Mr Robinson. When I open my locker there's a note but this time it's different it comes in an envelope with a rose. It says
Jade will you please go to the dance with me

Love your truly Luke Evanston
I cackled and said "of couse I will my Romeo"
Then I walked to to my class and sat down with Luke and I said
"I will Luke"

The writer

Will keep updating plz vote and comment

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