chapter 8: Enough

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The cool group just looked at us and we stared back and one of them pointed at me. The end of recess bell went and Eliza and I said goodbyes because we don't have any lessons together and I have all my lessons with luke. I went to my locker to grab my PE uniform and walked to the Gym. Today Mr Frank said we are playing basketball so Luke and Caleb Were Captains Luke picked me first and I'm actually pretty good at basketball. After they finished picking we had Luke, Eli, Sarah, Joel and me in one team and Caleb, Francois, Ali, James and Cody in the other team. We played for 20 minutes and I scored 7 goals and Luke scored 5 we won by 12 points. After that we went to drink water from the cafeteria and Luke walked with me while we talked about the game, when we finished drinking water we went to separate change rooms. As I entered in the change room Heather the group leader of the meanest and popular group stood there waiting for me to enter
" Well, well, well who do we have here?? She sneered
"You have the one and Jade Mandrone" I declared
" ohh a little to much confidence don't ya think" she said with a smirk
" Look I got no time for this, go bitch around with someone else OK?" I said while I walked to my clothes and changed in the toilet before I knew it i was done changing and heather was gone.

BetrayalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora