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This morning I realized how long it's been since I visited my parents

I saw them right before coming to Princeton and that was months ago

Right now I'm in one of Matteos cars driving to the cemetery

I miss them so much

But lately I've been seeing them in my dreams a lot more

But it's never a dream

It's a nightmare

In the nightmare I can hear their shrill screams

They were calling me. Wanting me to save them

But I was stuck in place

It was pitch black dark in the dream and I couldn't

The screams were surrounding me so I didnt know which way to run

Instead I had to stand there crying...feeling helpless and alone

Then suddenly

The screams stop..and there is a light

I move closer to the light hoping my parents are ok

But instead of seeing my parents, I see this manly figure

It looked...so familiar

I didn't know where from, but I've seen this man before

But before I could ever get a good look of his face

I'd jolt awake in a cold sweat

Matteo would jump up as well thinking I was in danger but I'd assure him it was just a nightmare

It's been like that for about a week now

I feel like seeing my parents finally will calm my nerves about everything

A smile grows on my face as I pull into the establishment

As I walk through the field of people who have passed

A smile beams out of me as I recognize my parents gravestone

I practically run to them

They had the most beautiful and decorated gravestone out of all their peers

Even though I don't get the chance to see them often

Every two weeks I have someone come out and replace their flowers

I feel a weight lift off of me as I sit in between the two and just start ranting about my new drama filled life

I tell them about Matteo

And how happy he makes me

I tell them that I'm learning to defend myself

So they won't have to worry about their little girl anymore

And I tell them about school and how I'm trying not to flunk

After I'm done I sigh in relief

I missed this

I look up to read their gravestones

I look at my moms first

"Here lies Cristine Brown Carter, a mother, daughter, and beautiful human being"

I smile at that

She was extremely beautiful

I sometimes wonder how my dad got her

He wasn't ugly just...weird

I loved his weirdness though

I turn to read his

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