Tadashi's...New Girlfriend?!

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GoGo tentatively opened the door to Tadashi's lab and peeked in. She saw Tadashi with his back leaning against his table, arms crossed, head down. She went in and shut the door, startling him and causing him to look up at her. She walked towards him and poked him. "Hey. So, you're acting like a big baby and it's concerning Honey. Well, all of us."

Tadashi sighed and shook his head at GoGo. "I'm sorry, it's just...well, I, um..."

The sassy student rolled her eyes. "Lemme guess. You like Honey. And don't try to deny it, we ALL kinda know." She raised an eyebrow and chewed her gum. "Well, except Honey, maybe."

Frowning slightly, Tadashi blushed intensely and looked away, pulling the brim of his hat down. "Well, I mean...I guess...?" At that very moment, Tadashi's eyes lit up as he looked straight at GoGo. "And I know exactly how you can help me with this. Be my girlfriend."

GoGo nearly choked on her gum as she put her hands on her hips. "Ex-CUSE me?! Be your-what?! Ugh, Hamada, why would I be your girlfr-" As she started to walk away, Tadashi grabbed her arm and she looked back at him with a weird look on her face.

Laughing, he clarified for her. "GoGo, no, not a real girlfriend. A fake one. To make Honey jealous."

"Ahem...um, wow. Who are you and what have you done with Tadashi Hamada? Since when did you wanna make people jealous, Mr. Nicey-pants?!

Tadashi shook his head. "Never mind that. Just..act like you're my girlfriend."

"What's in it for me?"

"Um...I'll help you with your bike...?"

GoGo smirked. "Fair enough. On ONE condition. No PDA, because I can hit you if I want."

Sighing, Tadashi replied, "Come on, GoGo. Just go along with it."


An hour later, Honey Lemon neatly put away her chemistry supplies, brushed off her lab coat, put up her hair, and sought out to catch up with her friends. When she saw them on the other side of the room, laughing and talking, she grinned and quickly ran towards them. Then she saw GoGo and Tadashi...with the former's arms around his waist and the latter's arm around her shoulder.

And then...Tadashi leaned down to kiss GoGo on her cheek...?!

GoGo grimaced, but reminded herself to go along with it. Ugh.

"Oh. My. GOSH! You two are DATING?! I can't believe it!!"

Tadashi smiled to himself. Yes, Honey probably realized her feelings for him. Just maybe.

"I've ALWAYS wanted you guys to get together! Can you say, hashtag OTP?! OH MY GOSH!" Honey whipped out her phone and quickly snapped a picture of the "couple" with flash. The two wiped their eyes in confusion and panic.

"Wasabi, Fred, Hiro!! You guys KNEW and didn't TELL ME?!" Honey jumped up and down, all smiles and cheer.

"Well, duh, of course we knew, Honey," Hiro responded, winking at his older brother, whose face was now crossed with embarrassment.

"It's true love!" Fred pitched in. Wasabi nodded his approval.

Honey clasped her hands to her heart. "Wow. Just...WOW. You two are a PERFECT match. It was just...just, like, meant to be." She looked like she was about to swoon. Deep inside, though, she felt an unfamiliar and strange feeling-and she did not like it.

GoGo raised an eyebrow suspiciously and broke away from Tadashi. "Care to elaborate how it was meant to be?"

"Well, you both have bikes...and....you two have....you, know BIKES..." Honey faltered.

Tadashi and GoGo stared at her in disbelief. "BIKES?! Really?? He has a moped! That's not exactly the same as a fixie. C'mon, Honey, get it together!" GoGo exclaimed, chewing her gum.

"Honey Lemon, do y-" Tadashi started, but was cut off by a cry out from Hiro. "What's up with you?"

Hiro, with a dejected expression shadowing his face, held up a pink gummy bear dramatically. "She doesn't love me!"

"What are you talking about, little man?!" Wasabi inquired. The whole group was downright confused.

"I tried talking to her but...she won't answer! Why doesn't she love me?! WHY?!"

Tadashi stared at his brother. "Because, knucklehead, it's a gummy bear. Please don't tell me this is a side effect of puberty." He shook his head. "Unbelievable."

"And you wonder why you don't have a girlfriend." GoGo blew a bubble.

"Speaking of girlfriend, GoGo, um...sweetie...?" Tadashi grabbed GoGo's arm as she shot him a look, signaling, don't overdo it, "we need to talk."

Honey sighed and smiled from ear to ear, "Ah, you two really love each other a lot. How adorable!!"

"Uh, yea! Tadashi is...um, great!" GoGo hesitated as she and Tadashi walked away from their friends. "Okay, what's up? 'Cause I don't think this is working out."

Nodding with a worried look in his eyes, he replied, "We need a Plan B."

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