Advice from the Inexperienced

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Once Tadashi and Hiro were heading home from the university on the former's moped, Hiro whipped our his cell phone and proceeded to text the nerd gang about his brother and Honey Lemon.

H: GUYS!! guess what! I think tadashi and honey were about to kiss XD ooooooh

G: can't be serious...!!


W: It's going to happen, I'm telling you

H: hehehe XD

Tadashi quickly glanced behind him to look at Hiro and scolded him,"Knucklehead, get off your phone! You're gonna fall off! Who are you even talking to?"

Hiro rolled his eyes and shoved his phone in the pocket of his hoodie. "Aw, relax. I'm not gonna fall! And if you must know...I was talking to your friends about...something." To tease his older brother, he made a mock kissy face.

Tadashi almost stopped driving as his eyes widened and his grip on the handlebars tightened. "Wha...Hiro, we were NOT going to kiss."

"Were too!"

"Were not--wait, Hiro, we're not five."

"Okay, whatever. But remember, I'm a fourteen-year-old prodigy. I know what was about to happen if I didn't run in." the cocky teen smirked. He and Tadashi got off the moped once they arrived at the cafe.

"I can't wait until you get a girlfriend or crush so I can tease you," the older Hamada muttered. Now it was his turn to smirk...and Hiro's face to turn the color of his brother's moped.

Entering the cafe, the brothers were greeted with an impatient-looking Aunt Cass with Mochi. "Tadashi Hamada! Why did you stay at school so late?! I was worried SICK!"

Hiro patted Aunt Cass' arm. "Don't worry, Aunt Cass. Tadashi was uh, gonna try to kiss someone, is all....Honey Lemon." He coughed out the last part and smiled innocently at an infuriated Tadashi, right before running up his room.

" gosh. Tadashi! You like that sweet girl Honey Lemon. D'aww....." Aunt Cass squealed and hugged her nephew, who laughed awkwardly. "Aunt Cass, I'm just gonna to bed now...good night!" With that, he ran upstairs to talk to his brother.


"Hiro," Tadashi said, throwing down his cap, "what was that?"

The messy-haired teen blinked at his brother. "The real question is,what was that back at the university? I know Honey Lemon kissed you before but man, she got over her quietness in, like, three days! You're really something, big bro." Tadashi narrowed his eyes. 

"Tell you what. I think you just need to GO for it! Stop waiting for her to do something!" Hiro crossed his arms. "Go Go would probably tell you to 'woman up'."

"And how are you in any way qualified to give me advice, Hiro?"

Hiro's face dropped. "T-that doesn't matter! I'm only saying, you always tell me to 'stop being a big baby'. Honey obviously likes you too. So, like, do something about it! I know you already did but you gotta make it straight to the point, man!"

Tadashi just stared at Hiro. "Wow. I can't believe it's come to the point when my fourteen-year-old brother is giving me love-related advice. It's almost laughable." He pushed Hiro's head playfully and moved to his side of their shared room. Hiro followed him.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny. HEYYYYY....isn't Honey Lemon working on that big chemical experiment she wanted to do tomorrow?" He clapped and pointed both index fingers out. "There. Bam. You gotta help her with that. It's perfect."

The older Hamada ruffled Hiro's hair. "No wonder people call you a genius...well, okay. I guess." He half-smiled. "Now go to bed bonehead. Night."

As Hiro went to his side, he glanced at his brother and internally laughed. TThis was gonna be good. Wait...Am I seriously playing matchmaker for Tadashi? Maybe I'm the nerd.

[A/N]: HELLO OOPS I UPDATED REALLY QUICKLY BECAUSE I CAME UP WITH IDEAS!! And I wanted a chapter when the hamada bros interact more b/c I can never get enough of that ahhh I love them both ;-; There is going to be about...I don't five/six chapters after this one and I shall finish le book. Sequel or nah I don't really know yet, we shall see.

The next chapter is probably gonna be my FAVORITE ahh I can't wait to write it, but I need to pace myself. and OMG ALMOST 1K READS that's super cool ! thanks!

Laterz <3


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