Late Nights

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It had been a couple days since the admirer incident. Honey chose to stay later than usual at SFIT to finish up planning an experiment. She furiously wrote down chemical names while listening to some music on full blast. She thought she heard a faint, inaudible voice calling her, but shook her head and continued writing.

Tadashi sighed in frustration. For the past few days, Honey had been less-than-peppy and not really talking much to the crew. It was practically eating Tadashi alive. Now he was trying to get her attention as he was staying at the Institute late as well, and Honey Lemon couldn't even hear him.

She sensed someone behind her but elected to concentrate harder with a beating heart. It could be Tadashi for all she knew, and she still felt extremely embarrassed about the other night. Honey felt one of her earbuds being removed.


Jumping, she whipped her head around with her long hair hitting Tadashi, and replied, "O-oh! Hey Tadashi! I didn't know you, staying late too!" She bit her lip pensively.

He raised an eyebrow. "Uhhhh...yea. Just finishing something up with Baymax...I just wanted to ask if you were okay?" The chemical engineering major forced what she hoped was a bright smile.

"Well, of course! I'm fine as always!"

Tadashi took a seat and stared at her notebook. For a few minutes they were stuck in awkward silence. Despite this, Honey turned off her music and observed Tadashi who was seemingly lost in thought. 

"Honey Lemon, remember when we first met when we were twelve, and when I looked at your notebook, you were writing a list of chemicals for an experiment." The blonde nodded vehemently although she had no idea where Hamada was getting at. "'re doing that now and..." He shot her a dazzling smile.

Honey glanced from her notebook to Tadashi and back again, a small smile playing at her lips. "Yea, you're right...!" 

Both teens looked at each other and busted out in uncontrollable laughter. "I-I..I don't even know w-why I'm....LAUGHING!" Honey managed to say in between giggles. But suddenly, her discomfort returned to her and she clammed up. "Um, Tadashi? Sorry for just running off like that was pretty dumb of me." She looked up and half-smiled, and noticed Tadashi smiling at her.

He put his hand on her shoulder and reassured her, "Hey, i-it's okay, I mean...well, we all just need time to think about these types of things." He smirked. "We may be "nerds", but not all of us know about chemistry, if you know what I mean." Honey rolled her eyes playfully and pushed him gently. "Yea, yea, very funny, Tadashi." She loved how Tadashi could help anyone become more relaxed. All awkwardness between then instantly melted away.

The pair found themselves talking about their classes and work, laughing about Hiro's various "phases", taking pictures, listening to music, and just enjoying each other's company as it got later and later. Honey even completely forgot about her experiment and pushed her notebook aside.

After about two hours of hanging out in the lab, Honey placed her hand on Tadashi's and they looked in each other's eyes, smiling slightly. As they got closer, they both heard footsteps becoming louder, and there was an out-of-breath Hiro trying to catch his breath. Honey and Tadashi kept a fair distance so the young teen wouldn't suspect anything. "T-Tadashi! h-have to..." Hiro put his hand on the wall to steady himself. "W-we...have to...go!"

Tadashi looked genuinely concerned for his brother. "Did the whole way here or something? Wait, why do I have to go? I'm working on..." he glanced at a wide-eyed Honey, "my project." Hiro shook his head and frowned at Tadashi.

"W-well....your project can WAIT, okay? Aunt Cass wants you home! You've been here, like, the WHOLE DAY, you nerd!"

"Hiro, what time is it?"

An appalled Hiro gaped at his older bro. "What....what TIME is it? I-it's eleven o'clock! We. Need. To. GO!" He pulled on his brother's blazer and as Tadashi got up, Hiro smirked and whispered, "Tell your girlfriend goodbye..." Tadashi glared at him and pushed Hiro's head. "Honey Lemon's not my..."

Honey, overhearing this exchange, laughed and said, "Bye Tadashi, and bye HIRO." She rolled the 'r' in his name as Hiro shyly waved, then gave Tadashi a small hug. As the Hamada brothers left the lab and Honey started to pack up, she thought of Tadashi for a moment and grinned to herself.

[A/N] HEYYYY I'm back. And I updated. XD (I tried *cri*) I got like a rare spark of inspiration so yeeeeaaaaa...thanks for supporting this book btw! It means a lot!

Now to figure out what shall happen next...UGH WHYYYYYY

I'm so not used to writing pairing fanfics...let alone fanfiction at ALL! ahaha bless my soul

Mmmkay...until next time!

-yentarri <3

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