Secret Admirer

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"Hey, bonehead! I need your help with something."

Tadashi tapped on Hiro's shoulder as the young prodigy played some game on his computer back at home. Hiro abruptly spun around on the swivel chair to face his brother, an amused expression on his face, complete with one raised eyebrow. "You need help from me, Mr. Perfect?"

Tadashi, not in the mood from Hiro's sustained cockiness, sighed, "Yes, I need your help, Mr. Hiro...smarty-pants...llama...nerd face gummy-bear sucking...dork." (A/N: this is an inside joke that I had to put here XD oops)

"Touché. What do you want, nerd?"

The older Hamada brother reached over to the desk and opened Hiro's blue notebook, explaining, "Plan B to get Honey Lemon. Since you're so smart, write some secret admirer notes for me. I'll do the rest."

Hiro looked at his brother with a snarky smirk plastered on his face. "Okay, sure, buuuuut...won't Honey think that I'm her secret admirer? I mean, with my handwriting and all?"

"Nice try smart one, but I don't think she has seen your handwriting before."

"FINE. What's in it for me?" Hiro held out his hand. "I'll accept a payment of money or gummy bears, please and thank you. Preferably gummy bears, since I'm such a pro bot fighter that I have tons of cash."

Tadashi face-palmed. "Okay, okay. How about I get you...four bags of gummy bears?"

"Five and we'll call it even."



Going through her various magenta and sticker-covered binders to look for her notes, Honey Lemon came across a folded sheet of notebook paper."To: Honey Lemon" had been scribbled on it. "What is...this?"

She carefully opened it and skimmed over the notebook. What it said made her squeal with joy. It was a super corny chemistry joke: "Are you made of copper and tellurium? Because you're cute!"

"This is so adorable! Oh my gosh, who is this FROM?!" Honey practically jumped with happiness. She had an actual secret admirer...

Could it be likely not.

She was about to skip over to her friends when a student stopped her in her tracks and gave her another note. "Um, someone wanted to give this to you?"

Honey Lemon smiled brightly, her summer green eyes shining. "Thank you SO much!" She read the note; it was another chemistry pick-up line:

"I wish I were adenine because then I could get paired with U."

Honey smiled sweetly. "Aww, this is sooo cute. I wish I knew who gave me these?"

She set out to ask her friends about the notes. Besides, she needed to ask Tadashi about the project. They were almost finished.


"Tadashi, don't you think those chemistry pick-up lines were know...cheesy? 'Cause I do." GoGo crossed her arms.

"Hey, Hiro looked them up, not me."

Hiro shot his older brother a look. "Okaaay, but really? You couldn't have done them yourself?"

"I had to worry about Honey's and my project! And she knows my handwriting all too well."

Wasabi added, "GoGo, trust me. If anyone loves laughing and chemistry, it's our Honey Lemon." Fred nodded in agreement and bounced on his feet in anticipation.

Just then, they heard the sound of high heels get louder as Honey Lemon approached them. "You guys! I GOT THE SWEETEST SECRET ADMIRER NOTES!! Can you believe it?!"

GoGo scoffed and stared at Tadashi. "Psh. Yea."

You guys are not subtle, Tadashi thought, dumbfounded.

Ignoring her, Honey gushed. "Oh my gosh. Look at these! Who could they be from?"

Immediately, the color rose in Tadashi's cheeks. Hiro and Fred tried stifling their laughter, only adding to Honey's suspicion. She looked from Hiro to Fred, and back again. The crew could practically see the spark in Honey's brain.

"Waaait a second...Hiro, did you give these to me? I remember vaguely seeing you write something once, and I think it looked like this writing. Do y-"

Hiro blushed madly and vehemently shook his head. "Whoa, what? Ha ha...n-no, Honey, you're getting the wrong idea. I-I didn't, um, write those notes. It was...uh...." Rubbing the nape of his neck, he frantically looked around the group and almost sold out his brother, but decided against it. "...Fred!"

Honey's eyes widened, and so did Tadashi's as he looked at Hiro questioningly. Hiro raised his hands in defense and mouthed, Sorry! "Fred, really?! You are the SWEETEST," Honey burst out, and quickly pulled a chagrined and confused Fred in a tight embrace.

"Honey! Fred didn't give you those notes...a-actually, I don't know who did...? But," Wasabi cut in rapidly, "he did find one more note for you." He held out a note with Hiro's penmanship inscribed on it to Honey and, releasing Fred, accepted it, looking and feeling puzzled. The note read:

"Honey Lemon, meet me in front of the school. I have something important to tell you. -your secret admirer"

She looked up at her friends, her heart beating. Now she was really confused. I guess I'd better go, you guys! I need to find out who this is..." Honey wandered off to her side of the lab to put her things away.

Once she left, the group slyly smiled at Tadashi. Hiro lightly punched him, advising him, "I guess you should go too, bro. Your girl will be outside soon, ya know."

Tadashi half-smiled back and sighed. "I guess so."


[A/N] The next few chapters to come will bring the feels so be prepared TTOTT enjoy your day; I might update tomorrow if I feel up to it. :D Get this to 200 views, maybe?

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