Mixed Up

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Back in her lab, Honey grabbed her large purse and her phone, and cleaned her glasses. She rushed towards the entrance to the school--but not before pausing, quizzically staring at her friends, and slowly questioning, "Um, where's Tadashi?"

To her confusion, the crew shrugged and shook their heads.

Little did she know, they knew exactly where he was.

Clutching her purse, skeptical Honey Lemon walked out to the front of the school in the star-filled evening, thinking, Phew. Okay, Honey! A secret admirer...this is CRAZY! I just can't believe-

She lost her thoughts as she stared at Tadashi, wide-eyed, mouth open. Her phone dropped on the grass as she processed seeing the older Hamada sitting on the bench, a flower in his hand, giving Honey Lemon a half-smile. His smile was shy, but at the same time, warm.

Wide-eyed and shocked, Honey Lemon stuttered, "T-Tadashi? Yo-you're actually my...my, um....secret admirer?" Color rose up to her cheeks and she became flustered.

Tadashi looked her straight in the eyes and walked towards her. Honey had traded her signature platform heels for comfortable golden flats, so she was now two inches shorter than Tadashi. "In a word, yes. Honey, I-I um, I didn't know how else to tell you how I feel," he paused and slightly smiled, "so I guess this will have to do."

Honey stared at Tadashi blankly. She blinked. She had always felt close to him, but had she really been THAT oblivious to his feelings towards her? Her heart rate increased. How long did he even like her for?

Because, well...

...she had feelings for him too.

With Honey not replying, her eyes sparkling with the curve of his reflection, Tadashi started to look doubtful.

"Wait! Um..." Honey abruptly interrupted, tucking a loose piece of her blond hair behind her ear, "I just...I-I just..." She sighed, lowering her voice and tentatively looking into Tadashi's brown eyes. "Y-you didn't have to go to these lengths just to..." Her words trailed off and she covered her mouth with her fist, feeling ashamed. She blushed profusely. "I'm so so SO flattered, Tadashi, and I..."

Tadashi, sensing her immense discomfort, placed his shaking hand on her shoulder, bringing the attention to himself. "It's okay, I-I understand. This was probably too much too soon anyways," he awkwardly laughed and looked around the empty campus lot. He dropped his flower, embarrassed and mentally facepalming himself.

Honey offered him a weak smile, one full of chagrin. She knew she actually did like him-a lot.

She tentatively leaned in and gave him a small peck on the lips. After pulling away, she looked at him, wide-eyed and flushed. Why did she did that? Tadashi was dazed and shocked at her sudden behavior, and inside, he was bursting. Honey's heart hammered against her chest. "U-uh, thanks, I'm--"

With perplexity clouding her thoughts and leaving her speechless, she ran off, leaving Tadashi wondering what had just happened.

After a few minutes, he walked back into the lab.


"Soooo, dude, how was it?! Are you two a thiiiing now?" Hiro wiggled his eyebrows and nudged his older brother.

Go Go, suddenly interested, blew a bubble and awaited the reply as did a smiling Wasabi and an anxious Fred.

Still blushing and refusing to meet any of their eyes, Tadashi quietly answered, "She, um, kissed me...and ran away...?"

All his friends' eyes widened. Wasabi questioned, "Wait, but I thought she liked you, man! Why would she...?"

Fred frowned, "Wow, that's tough."

Hiro almost laughed, but received a sharp elbow in the arm from Go Go that instantly shut him up. "Wow, um. Sorry, Tadashi...don't worry! Maybe she'll get over her shock and come back into your arms...?"

Tadashi shot him a look. "Hiro, you're not really helping. If it were you, you know how ballistic I'd get on your behalf."

Hiro turned crimson and kept quiet.

Go Go whipped out her cell phone and promptly texted Honey, blowing her bubblegum and raising an eyebrow: Yo. Why 'd you run away??? i don't get it :/


Back at home, Honey's phone buzzed and she picked it up, only to discover it was a text from Go Go. Ever so blunt, Go Go had inquired why Honey had run away after the kiss. She bit her lip and felt the familiar feeling of shame and regret rush through her body. She started her reply.

I was embarr-

She paused her typing and thought long and hard, ultimately backspacing her text. She actually didn't know what to say, especially to her tough-as-nails friend Go Go Tomago. She turned off her phone with the pink fox case and held her head in her hands. It was so unlike her to act so reserved; usually, she was bubbly and peppy. But Tadashi confessing his crush on her changed a lot of things.

She had no idea why it did, though.

Oh yeah...it was because she...loved him.

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