Chapter 7

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'I think we're going to make it'! I said happily when we walked towards the castle.

'Oh, piece of cake', Hoggle said as goblin soldiers started surrounding us. One blew a horn, sending everyone to attack.

'Quick, this way'! I shouted as we ran in the opposite direction.

We hid in a alley and watched as goblins ran by.

'Okay, through here', I said and ran, making sure the coast was clear. We hid somewhere else and repeated the process.

We started running toward the castle when I saw someone missing.

'Didymus? Where's Didymus'? I  asked when I saw a cannon pointed at us.

'Duck'! I yelled as we all ducked when the cannon ball flew over our heads. 'We have to find Didymus! Down this way'! I shouted as we ran again. There was another cannon shot at us as I was next to a house.

'Quick, guys! In here'! I said and opened the door as Ludo and Hoggle followed. Ludo went all the way to the top and opened the roof. Me and Hoggle started pushing goblins out of the window and fend them off.

'Ludo call the rocks'! I shouted as he started howl. Suddenly, a house fell on some goblins. 'That was fast'.

'Not me', I heard Ludo say and I frowned.

'Oh. I'm gonna need you to hurry, big guy'! I shouted up at him.

He howled more as we kept fending off goblins.

'Ludo'! I called up as he howled louder. The soldiers ran away with the rocks chasing them as we make it out of the house.

We stopped unawaringly stopped in front of a firing cannon until I looked over.

'This way'! I said as we ran before 3 soldiers stopped in front of us.

'Ha, ha! Now we got ya'! One said before rocks knocked them over, causing them to run away.

'Ha, ha! No you don't'! Hoggle mocked with a smile as we continued running.

Honestly, I found this really fun and thrilling. There was a machine gun device shooting at us as we hid behind a fountain.

I look to see a rock landing on it, smushing it. We start making our way to the castle when I stopped.

Sir Didymus'! I called out.

'Coming'! He yelled as he started heading over while riding Ambrosius.

We were finally in front of the castle as I tried pushing on the giant doors. Ludo helped me push it open as we walked in.

'This way'! I said and lead them to the main room of the castle. I looked at the clock to notice I only have............3 minutes.

I looked over to the throne to see the crystal ball but when I reached for it, it disappeared.

'That little cheat'. I looked around to see a set of stairs next to us. 'That's the only way he could've gone', I said and looked back at them.

'Well then, come on', Hoggle said as they started to walk.

'No, no. I have to face him alone', I said softly, stopping them.

'But why'? Didymus asked as I looked at my friends.

'Yes..' Hoggle trailed off.

'Because that's the way it's done', I said as they looked sad.

'Well, if that is the way it's done, that is the way you must do it......but, should you need us'? Didymus asked with concern.

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