The Woods - 1

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No ones P.O.V

The members had just finished going over the Maniac choreography ready for their performance video in two days. All prepared but entirely exhausted.

11:07 pm

Jisung P.O.V

We had just finished practice and I was overwhelmingly tired, so I just laid on the floor, trying to regain some energy whilst waiting for everyone to get ready. I couldn't help but let my gaze wonder to the member who's been running laps in my brain. The way his shirt slightly sticks to his defined body from the sweat was mesmerising, the way he confidently talks to the other members, the way he cares about all of us but will never say it. Eventually a voice cut off my thoughts and broke my gaze away from Minho.

"Alright hyung? Is the floor that comfortable?" I hear I.N say mockingly
"Are you teasing me?!" I quickly rush to my feet, beginning to chase the maknae around the practice room until Chan stops us to leave.
"Alright guys let's go home and eat "
"YES FINALLY" Felix and Hyunjin say in sync
"GOOD! I'm hungry" Changbin says
"You're always hungry!" Felix responds while rushing to leave the room, trying get safe from Changbin

I laugh at them and follow everyone out, just noticing how hungry I was...


When we got home I instantly went to my room that I share with Hyunjin and seungmin. I have to hide a suitcase under my bed thankfully its only a single bed, I quickly lock the room door and pull out a blood bag from the hidden suitcase, ingesting it in seconds and loving the taste. I hate this about myself, but it's my curse.

I don't drink directly from people anymore, so I'll either have animal blood or human blood in a bag that I have to occasionally steal from the hospital for. I know my life is unfortunate. I hate hiding my secret from the members but I fear they will hate me or kick me out.

During my mental crisis I hear a knock on the door followed by Hyunjin's voice.

"Hey man, what are you doing?"

I let out a small chuckle at hyunjins English finding it adorable "I'm just getting changed, I'll be out in a sec" I replied in Korean.

Great now I actually have to get changed.
After throwing on an oversized t-shirt and sweat pants I leave to eat despite it being 1 in the morning, this was a regular time for us all to eat if we wanted to do it together, but I really want to fix my sleeping schedule, or rather lack of.

I enter the kitchen and ask amongst all the chatter

"What's for dinner?"

Minho quickly replied to me before getting up himself to walk to the cupboard, his hand gently grazing my waist as he walked by, causing a blush to rise to my cheeks
"Whatever you want, find something eat it. No one can be bothered to cook, sorry"

"Okay" And I quickly made a slightly spicy ramen.

As I sat down everyone was slowly heading to their rooms eventually leaving me and Minho alone.

"Is that any good"

"Hmm what" I replied slightly embarrassed at my stuffed cheeks quickly gaining a laugh from him

"Wanna go to the park with me I-I'm not tired and I'm in need of some fresh air"

"Oh yeah sure" The unexpected invite from my hyung caused yet another blush to rise up my neck to my face, probably also from the thought of us being alone, I have had a slight, well huge, crush on him for a while but hid it for obvious reasons.

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