10- copacetic

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The 3 boys and Cee stalked into the boys bathroom , Riff in the lead followed by action and then Ice and Celia behind . Riff stood right opposite Bernardo who was already stationed in the bathroom . Riff coolly straightened his shirt collar . A shark was stood guarding the door way and 2 others were stood behind Bernardo .

Celia was scrunching her nose at how disgusting the boys bathroom was . Ice kept his eyes on the situation unfolding at all times but had a firm grip on Celia's shoulder as Riff had instructed him to keep the younger girl safe . Action was side eyeing the other Shark opposite him as he was avoiding eye contact with action the entire time .
"You want to fight right ?" Bernardo started
"Not here .We gotta set it up " Ice coldly told him
"Set it up ? Like a date ." Bernardo returned
"All o you and all o us." Riff smoothly interjected into the conversation.
"We're busy guys , we got jobs. Why should we play he playground with all of you b..."
" control your territory and that's what you get ." Riff once again interrupting Bernardo ." We keep clear outta your way , and your jet free . IF you win . We win , you see us coming , and we will keep coming , you sharks make like the rats and skedaddle."
Bernardo stepped back but carried on the conversation. " Where?"
"The river ."
"The docks ."
"The underpass."
"The rail yards."
"The salt shed!" Riff finally their back to back argument
"Dònde ?" Bernardo asked his sharks
"De Dònde esta 57th and the river ." Riff informed him and a shark went to pounce him before Bernardo grabbed him back . They Jets all started at him in disgust. Ices hands still on Celia's shoulder as her eyebrow raised at Riffs next move.

He gestured his hand out for Bernardo to shake . " Midnight tomorrow ?" And with that Bernardo firmly grasped Riffs hands and shook it almost at peace with each other for once ." Weapons?" Riff asked him when they let go , and once again one of their aimless negotiations reignited .
"Fists "
"Knives?" Riffs voiced raised as he offered knives as a weapon. Ice finally let go of Celias shoulder and walked over to Riff.
" hey we don't need no knives."
"You boys love knives !" Riff directed this to the group of 4 Puerto- Ricans stood in front of them as they argued in Spanish and Bernardo let out an audible sigh before turning back to Riff.
"Better without knives ." He offered to the tall boy
"Better for who ? Is the question that comes to mind . But . Fine , no knives . " Riff threw his hands up. " and no jazz till then. Copasetic?" Riff once again stuck his hand out for him to shake as they sealed their deal . They sharks all gathered together and started to leave the bathroom leaving ,Celia , Ice and Action circling Riff questioning him about what he just proposed to the PRs .
"Riff I dunno . That about knives .." ice started before Action quickly interrupted him.
"Them PRs sleep with switchblades in their teeth.."
"Action . Action ." Celia sad his name through gritted teeth trying to quiet him down as she motioned her head to the bathroom door as Bernardos figure reappeared .
"Your friendly friend ."
"What about him ?" Riff cautiously questioned .
"I'll see him tomorrow night ?"
"You bet your ass."
"Tell him ..." Bernardo waited trying to figure out Tony's name
"Tony ." Celia helpfully told him , Bernardo looked at the young girl and smiled clearly not wanting any jazz with Riffs younger sister .
"Tell Tony ." He gestured to Celia ." I look forward to that ." And with that he left again.

Ice and action parted riff on the back and Ice kissed Celia on the cheek before the two boys left trying to find the others .
"Cmon Cee let's get home ." He gripped her arm as he guided her out the gym not bothering to go back into the hall with the Jets .
The sibling were walking back to their apartment as Riff spoke up. " you know I told ya like ten times but you really did look like ma tonight ."
"Awww I love you buddy boy ." Celia gave him a dig in his rib and kissed his cheek before unlocking their apartment .

we do not own any part of the west side story plot and have no intentions to steal it , we own our OCs and their backgrounds <3 - M

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