Chapter 21

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I was being shaken awake and I glanced up to see Draco standing over me. I groaned and rubbed my eyes. I blinked a few times to focus my eyes to see him smiling down at me. I looked at him through tired eyes and confused eyes. 

"Yes?" I muttered glancing up at him.

"It's time to get up. It's almost eleven." He murmured. I nodded and pushed the covers off me. I swung my legs over the side of my bed and slipped on my slippers before heading to the door behind Draco. I smiled as he laced our fingers together and pulled me out the door.

"Are you excited to see your presents?" He asked. I nodded quickly.

"Yes!" I laughed as I tugged him down the stairs quickly. He laughed at me and I smiled at him. We walked into the living room where his mother along with Bellatrix were already there sipping at some tea. I plopped myself in front of the tree where the presents were lined up underneath them.

"Good Morning! Merry Christmas." I greeted them both with a smile.

"Good morning Alexandria. Happy Christmas." Mrs. Malfoy said. Draco chuckled and sat down next to me.

"Ready to open your presents?" Mrs. Malfoy asked. I nodded quickly. I picked out the ones that had her handwriting on them before tearing them open. Most of them were elegant clothing and cloaks.

"Thank you, they're lovely." I murmured running my hands over the black cloak that was the last one in the box. I heard her chuckle and say, 'you're welcome.' to me as I stared at it. It had a clasp on it that had a emerald set into it with the Malfoy family crest on it.

"It has properties in the cloth that makes you seem as if you're only a shadow." She said to me. I nodded as I looked at it. I heard Draco chuckle besides me as I set it down carefully back into the box. That was going to be coming in hand for the school year. I smiled as I went for the next box. It just had candy and jokes in it from Weasley's Wizard Wheezes that I kept out of view from Mrs. Malfoy and Bellatrix. It was Sydney's idea of being funny because she knew who I lived with. Courtney just sent me candy and then candles. She knew I loved to have them lit in my room to keep the room smelling good.

I got money from some people I didn't know, which were probably followers of my Uncle's. I noticed he didn't give me anything here. I frowned slightly but I shouldn't really have expected anything from him, really. He was the Dark Lord after all. I just continued until I got to this little box. It had Draco's hand writing on the top and I just chuckled smiling at it

"What is it?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Open it." He murmured. I flipped the lip open and inside sitting in the box was a rose gold necklace with my name spelled out in the middle of the chain. The 'I' was dotted with a black diamond and it was full name, not Lexi. I glanced over at Draco.

"Draco it's lovely." I murmured. He chuckled and just kissed me on the cheek lightly. I pulled it out of the box before unclasping it and handing the ends to him. He carefully looped it around my neck, pushed my pony-tail to the side before clasping the ends together. I ran my fingers over it smiling down at it.

"Thank you." I murmured smiling up at him.

"No problem." He murmured. That's when I smiled and handed him a box. I had gotten him a watch that was a dark black metal. It was an upgrade from the one I had given him a little while ago. The back ground of it changed every few minutes to new pictures of us. It was a pretty penny and I hoped he like it because it was better than the one I had given him earlier. It even had his initials engraved on the back where the battery was. There was also a quote that said 'if you're going through hell keep going'. I thought it was funny considering everything that had happened. He took the bow off it and set it on my head before ripping the wrapping off and looking at the box.  He glanced up at me surprised. I just smiled at him as he opened the box. He stared at the glossy surface of the watch before pulling it out of the box and sliding it onto his wrist. He carefully tightened it to fit his wrist before glancing down at it.

The Dark Lords nieceWhere stories live. Discover now