Chapter 11

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So it was Friday afternoon and Draco and I were heading to Defense against the Dark Arts. Every Slytherin I knew was counting the minutes until classes were done so they could rush back to the common room and start preparing for the party. The 7th years that were done with their classes for the day were already starting to decorate for the party after the feast that was happening later tomorrow. I was looking forward to seeing all the little treats that were gonna be laid out on the table tomorrow night. 

"Lexi are you ready to get smashed." Ethan asked as he ran up to me. I rolled my eyes and pushed him away. I didn't even know how he was going to get into the party. As far as I knew it was a Slytherin only party. 

"Nah I don't get smashed." I said. He laughed and I shook my head at him.

"If I remember you don't drink." I said smirking. He slammed his shoulder into mine and I did the same back to him. We laughed and then smiled. 

"I gotta go to my class I'll see you later." He said. 

"Alright later." I called as he started the other direction. Draco eyed him.

"If he gets into that party I'll be amazed. It's our house party." He muttered as his arm wrapped around my waist. We got to our class and I sighed as we started to work on non-verbal spells. We had been working on this the last few weeks and not a lot of people were making that much progress in it. He was just demonstrating a few of them before we opened our books and actually had to you know read about them. It sucked. I was halfway done reading a sentence over again because I was so bored when I felt something up my leg on my thigh. I looked down to see Draco's hand. I saw him smirk and then I totally looked down at my book as his hand started to creep up my from my knee. His hand started to creep under my skirt. I could my cheeks growing red.

"Just tell me when to stop," He whispered. I bit my lip as he went higher and higher.

"Stop!" I squeaked. Some people turned around to look at me strangely. I blushed and ducked my head down. Draco chuckled and when he looked down to finish reading I punched him in the arm. He glared at me and rubbed his arm. I just smiled at him and looked back down.

"This is war," He murmured. 

"Bring it Malfoy." I smirked.

"Oh I plan to Riddle." He smirked. After Snape finished with his lecture and assigned us our homework as the bell rang. 

"Finally." I said. Bethany ran up to me and pulled me out of my seat. 

"Let's go to the common room!" She said yanking me down the hallway away from Draco. He had an amused look on his face as I was pulled down the hallway away from him. 

"I thought the 7th years were responsible for decorating." I said.

"They are but still I gotta help!" She said. 

"You do but I don't!" I whined as I was pulled along. I pulled out of her grip for a moment as I heard Draco chuckled and I grabbed his wrist and pulled him along. He let out a groan as I followed Bethany down. Once we got to the common room they were already setting up because they wouldn't have time to do that tomorrow. She went over to a few 7th years asking what she could do and I looked at Draco. He put his hand over my mouth and put his mouth by my ear. 

"Slowly walk out the door and she won't notice." He murmured. We slowly walked out through the portrait and once it was closed I took Draco's hand off my mouth. I heard her call for me and I looked at him. 

"Run," I laughed. We both ran to the 7th floor, earning us quite a few looks on the way. Blaise and Pansy were among the few who were staring at us like we were insane. I had had Draco's hand in mine as we ran. We stopped along the barren stretch of wall on the 7th floor and I realized where we were. The wall that led to the room of requirement. 

The Dark Lords nieceWhere stories live. Discover now