Chapter 20

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I stayed by Draco's side as we walked through the crowd of people. As people laid their eyes on me they nodded in respect and some even went as far as bowing to me, which would make my cheeks flare bright red as everyone eyed me. I wasn't used to this nor did I realize that I liked being bowed at. It was just plain weird.

"Where is the girl that kicked the shit out of the punching bag in the room of requirement?" Draco whispered pulling me aside. I glanced up at him.

"She's here. She just doesn't like getting attention like this. The bowing is taking it overboard." I muttered. He chuckled and pressed a chaste kiss to my lips before we continued along the wall of the room trying to avoid people. I didn't want to make small talk with any of the death eaters. I wanted to eat, go back to my room and settle down with a good book. I watched the people around me with a careful gaze. I didn't trust these people at all. I sighed and shook my head and Draco glanced over at me.

"What?" He asked.

"I don't trust these people." I muttered.

"I would be surprised if you did." He murmured as he pulled me to where Blaise was standing in a corner by himself. He gave me a once over before smiling at me. 

"You look beautiful tonight Ms. Riddle." He commented. I chuckled and we hugged before pulling back. I felt Draco wrap his arm around my waist lightly giving Blaise a shake of his head.

"Ms. Riddle?" He teased. Blaise shrugged.

"Mother said to be nice so I guess I have to address everyone appropriately tonight. Which includes you too." He commented before shrugging his shoulders. I rolled my eyes and glanced around.

"Who else is here?" I asked.

"Parkinson's, Hudson's, and a few others." Blaise said glancing around. I turned around to see where his eyes were lingering to see Pansy Parkinson. She was over there with her parents as they talked to someone else. I scrunched my nose up as I turned back around to look at Draco. 

"She won't come over here." He muttered. I nodded as I glanced back at Blaise who shrugged.

"Courtney is here running around to. I think she went to go get something to drink knowing she wouldn't be able to get through tonight without a buzz of some sort." Blaise commented sipping on a drink that he picked off a tray a house elf was carrying around offering people drinks off it. I smiled at it and picked up a champagne flute off it before taking a sip.

"Didn't know you were into that type of beverage." Blaise said watching me. I shrugged and tipped it towards him slightly. 

"Have to keep up with appearances my dear Zabini plus I also feel Courtney's train of thought. It will be a lot more bearable with alcohol in my system." I said. He nodded in thought before glancing at Draco. I felt a shiver crawl up my back and I glanced around the room to see Bellatrix staring at me from Narcissa's side. Draco was to in depth with talking to Blaise to notice anything right now. I turned back to the boys and looked at Draco.

"What's wrong?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Nothing." I muttered. He glanced down at me for a moment and quirked an eyebrow at me before glancing up over my shoulder. He knew who was behind me and who had freaked me out so much. He glanced down at me and squeezed my hand tightly before looking at Blaise again and continuing their conversation.

"Riddle!" I heard a voice call out. I turned around to see Courtney coming my way with a glass in her hand. I smiled at her as she came to my side.

"Hey, glad you found me." I said. 

"Who else was going to keep me entertained through this horribly boring thing. I mean there's a meeting afterwards and I'm going to be stuck here till my parents are able to leave." She said. I nodded and thought about the meeting she was referring to. No one had told me I had to be there so I was hoping I didn't have to go. I would rather not go. I knew Draco had to go, I believe. I didn't know if Blaise had to go though; for Draco's sake I hope he did, because I didn't want to have to go. 

The Dark Lords nieceWhere stories live. Discover now