Cobra and Carolina

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Savy looks at the flower.

Savy- Come on. Lets keep going.

The heroes started to walk towards the flower seeing signs painted pike :

Turn back now !

Go back !

Do not enter !

Lizard Breath gulped*

They passed the signs and made it in the hallway which oddly reselmbles that of a house

Greasy: Fancy place

Smarty- How come I'm getting Amityville or The Annabelle vibes ?

Savy: I don't know honey

Smarty sighs before they see a pinkish red light ccoming through the main door.

Lexy: What's that?

Malikai- Lets go see...

Everyone walked over to the door and opened it as they see the room is illuminated with the lighy and flower patterns as there are some lifeless toys and pillows surrounding the glass case which imprisons the sleeping Poppy

Savy gasps*

Smarty- Here's Poppy.

Arabella- He's right. It does remind me of Annabelle !

Savy: That's... my Poppy...

Smarty- What ?

Savy: She was taken away when I was little

Smarty- Savy?

Savy walked close to the glass case

Savy: Poor Poppy...

Savy walks over and then opens the case.When the case is open , Poppy snapped her eyes open looking shocked as she blinked twice ..

They gasped*

Then the lights went out , culminating everyone to yell simultaneously before a small soft voice spoke out.

Poppy- You opened my case........

She giggles.

Savy: Poppy?

Then the lights came back on and Poppy disappeared

They gasped*

Vincent- Where did she go ?!

Arabella- Um... Waht just happened ?

Smarty is shocked a she remembers the signs.

Smarty- I think we all made a grave mistake.

After Cobra carried Blitzo to his house , he sets him down on the bed

Cobra: There, home sweet home

Blitzo-( Looks around ) your place is the same... Right when you first took me here

Cobra: I know, sorry I couldn't take you home

Blitzo- No its fine. I understand.. And thamks... For saving me

Cobra: No problem, so how's my daughter?

Blitzo- Carolina is doing good. She's been noticing how different she is from the other kids and I told her about you

Cobra: I want to see her

Blitzo nodded and takes out the book and then makes baby Carolina appear in his arms sleeping

Cobra gasped*

Baby Carolina coos as she snuggles in Blitzo's arms.

Blitzo- Here she is

Cobra holds her*

Carolina coos before she wakes up and gasps

Cobra: Hi sweetie

Carolina whimpers as she looks at him

Cobra: No no, don't be scared, I won't hurt you

Carolina looks and calms down

Cobra nuzzled her*

Carolina coos and hugs his nose as Blitzo smiles.

Cobra chuckles*

Carolina- P... P... Papa ?....

Cobra is shocked*

Blitzo- Oh my God ! She said her first word !

Cobra is happy*

Blitzo is happy too.

Poppy playtimeWhere stories live. Discover now