Sheena is born

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In Ranboo's house...

Ranboo smiles calmly until he hears footsteps and a baby cooing coming from his front door.

Ranboo- Huh ?

Kelly knocks on the door: Ranboo? You here?

Ranboo yelps and blushes as he hears more cooing and Kelly's voice and dashed to the door and opens it as he sees Kelly holding a pink bundle.

Ranboo- H'hello Kelly.

Kelly: Hi Ranboo

Ranboo-( Blushes ) Hello Kelly. So what brings you here ?

Kelly: Lizard king's child is here, and I thought I could let you meet Sheena

Ranboo- Oh , uh , thats nice.

Ranboo looks

Sheena coos*

He sees a baby weasel girl with bluish green hair. His mismatched eyes widened and sparkled with amazement

Ranboo- Oh my goodness.... She so beautiful...

Kelly smiles: She really is

Ranboo gently pets her

Sheena coos*

Ranboo giggles.

Bsck in Void's lair...

Void enters the kitchen and sees Vexa giggling goofily as her tail wags

Void: Honey?

Vexa- yes~?

Void: What's up with you?

Vexa-( Giggles ) Nothing~

Void: Are you lying?

Vexa- Not sure~.

Vexa lovingly giggled

Void is confused: Are you dating someone?

Vexa blushes and nods with a goofy lovestruck giggle

Void: Oh boy, he better not be a heart breaker

Vexa- ( Giggles ) Dark Gaia show Daddy

Dark Gaia: Okay sis

Dark Gaia brings in Dark Cloud

Dark Cloud: Hello sir

Vexa giggles

Void: Who are you?

Dark Cloud- Im Dark Cloud sir. Lord Darkness' new assistant

Void: I see

Vexa-( Lovey dovey ) Isn't he handsome~

Dark cloud chuckles*

Vexa- And that cosmic dark outfit~

Vexa flirtatiously purrs.

Void growls*

Dark Gaia- Dad are you okay ?

Void: He better not cheat on my daughter!

Dark Gaia- Dad... It will be okay...

Back with the heroes....

They all escaped the tower and the flower

Tigs: That was close!

Smarty- Yeah. I cant believe you opened the case Savy !

Savy looks down*

Smarty hugs her

Savy: Huh?

Smarty: Its ok babe.

Savy smiles until they hear yelling

Savy: What was that?

They look and see Red, Purple, Fishface, Sarah and Sky Star

Pentol: Guys?!

Fishface- Smarty ? Savy ? What are you guys doing here ?!

Savy: We're trying to find Poppy

Malikai: Why are you guys here?

Purple- Our babies are missing !

Hyeasel: What?!

Sarah- Even Slash and Dash and Scarlet and Rudy and Claudia ! !

Lizard Breath: Oh no!

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