Gritzer vs Bun bun

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In the livng room, Vexa giggles as she is all lovey dovey as hearts bubbble and pop over her head

Ganon: What happened to her?

Ixis: I have no idea

Vexa giggles lovingly as she thinks about Dark Cloud at the other siblings looked

Iblis: Whoa, she's too goofy

Dark Gaia comes in and chuckles

Dark Gaia: My sister finally found love

They all looked at him all shocked.

Aku: She did?

Iblis: Who's the lucky guy?

Dark Gaia- Uncle Darkness 2nd assistant Dark Cloud

Nega Death: What?!

Dark Gaia- Yep.

Vexa giggles as she is at the table before her bros walk over to het

Ixis: Sis?

Definite: Are you okay?

Vexa-( Giggles goofily ) Maybe~

Definite: Oh boy

Then Void comes in angry and protective

Void: I don't like it!

Definite- Uh oh.

Nega Death- Whats wrong Dad?

Void: This isn't how my daughter is supposed to be!

Nega Death- You did say you wanted to help her find someone did you ? Dont you remember you said that to her ?

Void: Yes, but I miss my moody daughter

Vexa- Who says Im not moody right now ?!

Void: I'm moody and unhappy

Vexa- Now Im feeling moody because all of my bros are INVADING MY SPACS !!!

Void chuckles a little before Vexa takes her foot and stomped on Nega Death's foot.

Nega Death- Oh !

Nega Death screams as a girl as he holds his feet before Vexa leaves.

Nega Death- CALL 911 !!!

Nega Death falls down.

Ixis, Aku, Definite and Dark gaia are shocked*

Void laughs hard..

Void- That's my girl..

With. Striker he made 3 it to gritzer's house

Striker is angry mad*

He stomped over and Walks inside to the bedroom and sees no one but some rope and cloth and the messed up bed

Striker: Huh?

He looks but then he is suddenyl pinned to the wall from behind with someine stepping on his tail as a familiar tail wrapped around his waist and a knife up against his neck

Striker is shocked*

It was Gritzer.

Gritzer- Hello old pal...

Striker: Where's Blitz!?

Gritzer- That's funny... I did kidnapped him tk have some fun with him and now he saw something and Ive been blacked out. I thought it was you...

Striker: It wasn't me!

Gritzer- Someone did !

Gritzer pressed his knife closer to his neck as he is still immobilized

Striker growls*

Gritzer- Well don't get any ideas because Im going to find him first !

Time Skip...

Gritzer has Striker tied to up the mast

Striker growls*

Gritzer- So that way you wont go anywhere or beat me to him.

Striker: You made a huge mistake, cause I have backup with me

Gritzer- Aww yeah ?

Striker whistles, Bun bun came in*

Gritzer thinks it's a joke*

Gritzer-( Snickers ) A rabbit ? Are you serious ?

Striker: This is no ordinary rabbit

Bun bun sucked up some spinach, he then has muscles and he is bigger than Gritzer*

Gritzer becomes shocked as his jaw dropped.

Gritzer- What the?!

Bun bun smirks and beats him up like a punching bag*

Gritzer yells in pain

Striker smirks*

Bun bun did one final blow and knocked Gritzer out cold*

He then unties Striker*

Bun bun- Bajabababa ?

Striker picks him up..

Striker- Dont worry. Im okay. now let's find Blitzy.

Striker then leaves.

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