Chapter 1

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Guys. I'm Australian. We're in Australia. Have fun with the Australian stuff you people from elsewhere.

It was 7am and Taylen Caldwell was finishing up her morning walk on the beach. Taking out her brown curly hair and stripping off her clothes to reveal a blue tie dyed one piece, she ran straight into the warm water and dove under the first wave that came her way.

Taylen had always loved the ocean. Surfing or swimming. Diving under waves then coming back up, feeling the water part just for her. Holding onto her board as she ducked under an almost broken wave, breathing in the salty scent as she came back up. Those were the best feelings.

Suddenly she felt something touch her leg. Not worried of what it might be, she continued to swim about. Again, something brushed passed her leg. This young girl was not one to be easily scared. So when two someone's popped out from under the surface and tried to scare her, all she did was roll her eyes and lightly slap them.

Zeke groaned "how do you never get scared?!" He asked

"Yeah! We try everything but nothing ever works!" Wyatt agreed. Taylen just shook her head, smiling at the brown haired boys

"Well 12 years of living with you guys really does something to a person" she laughed.

Zeke and Wyatt were two of Taylen's brothers. Being twins, they were both two years older then her.

"Anyways. We came to tell you to get out because we have some family from down the road coming over at 8 for breakfast" Zeke explained

"So we got about 15 minutes" Wyatt added

Taylen nodded and the three siblings caught a wave in, sprinted up the beach and across the road to their big beach house.

They burst through the front door and ran quickly to their rooms, yelling a hello to their parents.

"Don't bother having a shower. We'll probably go for a surf later anyways" Zeke told Taylen. She nodded and closed her door. The twins went into their room, opposite hers, and closed their door too.

5 minutes later the three kids exited their rooms and walked downstairs to the kitchen.

"Hey Mumma" Taylen said as she kissed her mums cheek. "Morning dad" she hugged him.

"Morning Tay" Mr Caldwell acknowledged his daughter "how was your walk and swim?"

"Good. Until those two," she pointed at Zeke and Wyatt "came and disturbed me"

Mr Caldwell chuckled at this. He knew how annoying the twins could be, but he found it funny how annoying they were.

"OWEN! GABE! LEVI! Come here!" Mrs Caldwell called.

Three other boys came stomping into the kitchen. They were also Taylen's brothers. All older, but not by much. The age gap between Taylen and Levi was only 4 years. So the 6 siblings were all very close, in age and siblingship

Mrs Caldwell called a family meeting and explained that this family who was coming over for breakfast had moved just a week ago into the house that was for sale at the end of the culdesac. A knock at the door interrupted their family meeting. Taylen got up off the bench seat quickly and sprinted down the hallway to the front door. Opening it, she saw the family her mother had talked about.

"Good morning" she said, smiling "Come in"

Greetings were thrown around as the family took off their shoes, and Taylen showed them to the kitchen.

"Mum. They're here" the girl stated. Mrs Caldwell nodded

"Hi Sharyn. How are you?" Mrs Caldwell asked

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