Chapter 2

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It was a Saturday morning and Taylen and Amber were floating on their surfboards waiting for the next set of waves to roll through. The sun, beating down on their tanned skin. The water, clear and refreshing. No clouds in the sky. No other noise except the occasional seagull squawking. It was such a peaceful day.

Amber had been Taylen's best friend since forever! She had always been the only other girl around, besides her mum of course. Amber was her human place of refuge. When her brothers got too annoying, she would walk across a couple streets to Amber's house.

"How lucky are we?" Amber suddenly exclaimed.

"What do you mean?" Taylen asked as she spotted a wave. "Hold on, this is my wave. IT'S A LEFTY TOO!" Paddling as hard as she could, Taylen got on the wave and quickly popped up. Slowly doing a couple turns and coming off the back.

"Nice wave" Amber said as soon as her friend got back out past the small impact zone.

"Thanks. It was pretty good. But anyways, what were you saying before??" She asked


"Something about um, good luck? Maybe?"

"Oh! I was talking about how lucky we are. We have this amazing beach, sunny weather, and each other. There's so much to be thankful for"

Taylen nodded yes. "That's really cliche, but I totally agree. Why don't we pray?"

"Right now?" Ambers eyebrows furrowed with confusion 

"Yeah, why not?" Taylen shrugged 

"ok, sure"

So the two girls paddled towards each other and held hands, careful of their boards positioning. Bowing their heads, but keeping their eyes open for safety reasons, they started.

"Lord. We just want to thank you for every amazing thing you have given us" Taylen started

"We are so blessed to have such warm weather and amazing surf" Amber added

"I want to thank you for giving me Amber. Thank you for giving me another girl. I really do need one"

"Lord, thank you so so much for bringing Taylen into my life. Thank you for the amazing girl that she is"

"Please continue to bless her"

"And keep her close to you"

"Amen" they finished in sync. Lifting their heads they smiled at each other before turning back to the horizon. Soon they spotted the most perfect wave. An A frame was rolling in. The two best friends made eye contact and turned their boards around.

"Last wave" Taylen called. Both paddling as hard as possible, the two girls felt the push of the wave and popped up immediately. Taylen going left and Amber going right, adding a couple small turns onto it they caught the wave all the way in.

"Lessgoooo! What a wave" Amber exclaimed, clearly excited. She then looked at her watch

The girls dashed up the beach, surfboards bumping under their arms. Running across the empty road and down a couple streets, not stopping, the two finally reached Amber's house and went out the back to put their boards away. Then quickly running to Ambers room, Taylen squirmed into one of Amber's pretty white summer dresses, keeping her swimmers on, while Amber put on a light blue shirt and cute denim shorts, swimmers still on too.

"GIRLS! HURRY UP!" Amber's mum called from down the hall. 

"WE'RE TRYING!" Amber called back, tying her short blonde hair up in a low messy bun. Taylen flipped her head over and put her brown curly hair in a high messy bun, trying to match, but also be different.

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