Chapter 3

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"MUUUUUUUUM! ZEKE'S ON ME!!!" Taylen called from her room. Zeke had come into her room and had tackled her to the ground. He was currently sitting on her back as she lay squished into the floor.

"LEVI! I NEED BACKUP!" Levi came sprinting into her room at his sister's call of distress. He got down low and took out Zeke with ease.

"WYATT!!" He screamed. Wyatt, Owen and Gabe all walked in and stood by Taylen's door. Levi was holding Zeke down while Taylen "landed" a couple fake punches.

"Owww, my eye!" Zeke wailed, holding onto his face

"Uhh, whoops?" Taylen smiled sheepishly 

"You're dead!!" He screamed, pushing Levi off of him and getting up from the floor.

"Tay, run!" Gabe laughed

Taylen sprinted down the hallway and out the back door with Zeke following close behind.

"HELP! HE'S GONNA HURT ME!" She cried while laughing

"Don't worry girlie. We got you!" Levi and his brothers all ran to hold back Zeke

"Let me at her! Let me at her!!" He yelled, trying to break free from their grip.

He soon stopped fighting and slumped to the ground. The instant after the others let him go, he got up and ran to Taylen knocking her to the ground while cackling with laughter. Levi walked over and jumped on the two, causing groans to escape their mouths, and by the time Gabe, Owen and Wyatt joined the pile, their little sister was struggling to breathe. Only when Mrs Caldwell called out there was food did they all get up and sprint back inside, because, well, food is life.

"Foooooood! Where da foooood??" Wyatt said in a stupid voice

"There is none. Well, there's always some in the cupboard, but I had to get you in here somehow" His mother replied

"Oh man"


"Where did you get that word?"



"So why did you need us here?" Gabe asked

"Oh no reason. Except for the fact that you almost suffocated your sister out there" she answered. The boys all rolled their eyes while Taylen smirked. "Hey! I need another girl in the family. Also, we're going to the Millers soon" she added

"WHAT?!?" All six kids screeched

"I don't wanna go" Taylen whined

"Well" Her mum paused "un-lu-cky. Cos we're ALL going. Sharyn invited us ALL, I accepted for ALL of us, so we are ALL going. So go do whatever you gotta do because we leave in 10"

With lots of groaning, the boys and Taylen left to go to their rooms. Taylen walked into her room and laid on her bed.

Lord, She prayed, Why does Ryder hate me? I don't understand. I don't wanna go if he's there. With a sigh she stood up. If it were anybody else's house, she would clean the grass stains on her knees and brush her hair, but since it wasn't, she just threw her hair in a ponytail and walked out of her room.

"Alright. Let's go!" Mrs Caldwell yelled to the boys. They all came running out of their rooms looking the exact same as before, messy hair, green knees and bare feet. Mrs Caldwell gave a sigh before walking out the door with her husband by her side and their kids trailing close behind.

Taylen dragged her feet the whole 100 metres and it certainly took her awhile, but she eventually made it to the front door and saw it wide open, with a view of her family and the Millers together out the back. With much hesitation, the girl finally stepped foot in the enemies home. Taylen walked down a long hallway - which was still filled with boxes - observing closed doors and a bathroom.

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