Chapter 4

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They said it was just a malfunction in the system. They said they'd put him on life support. They said everything would be alright. But that was three days ago.

Owen was still asleep - they said he was in a coma. They said if he didn't wake up within the next five days they'd take him off the support. Taylen's eyes were red and puffy. She hadn't slept properly since the accident. Mrs Caldwell had taken the kids home the second night, while Mr Caldwell stayed with Owen. Despite being in their warm, comfy beds, the Caldwell children weren't at home. Home was with Owen. It wasn't home when they weren't all together.

Taylen had been praying nonstop. She continuously reminded herself of verses that said something along the lines of "God is with us." She flicked through the pages of her bible and more than 10 times she noted her handwriting that read 'His Holy Spirit is with us'

Her vision became blurry as tears fell onto the thin pages and smudged the ink. A knock on her door disturbed the salty water as she quickly wiped them away and put on a brave face. Levi walked in and sat on her bed. His brother instinct immediately kicked in, and he wrapped his strong arms around his little sister. He could tell she had been crying, and it wasn't because she had red eyes. He hadn't even noticed those, but he just knew.

"It's alright." Levi comforted her. He grabbed her Bible and turned to a highlighted verse in Jeremiah "'"For I know the plans that I have for you" declares the Lord "plans to prosper you, and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future"'" he read out to her

Taylen nodded at this. It was her favourite verse. It always had been and it always would be. Sure other verses came and went but this verse stuck out to her. It was her ultimate favourite.

"Thanks, Lev" she grabbed him in a hug and he stood up to leave her room

"Love you Tay" he smiled at his sister

"Love you too" she gave him a small smile back


The car was never silent, but lately, it had been. The house was always quiet when one sibling wasn't there, but it was never this quiet. There wasn't even music playing, like normal. It was just, sad.

"Mum?" Wyatt said softly

"Yeah, mate?" She replied

"What if Owen doesn't wake up? What if they take him off life support, and, and-" he trailed off

"Hey. Don't think like that. He'll make it through." Levi spoke up "He's strong"

"And even if he doesn't, the next thing he'll see is Jesus, so it's alright" His mum added softly. And the car was tranquil again. The family finally arrived at the hospital and took the elevator up to the third floor.

Taylen's mind was a mess. She had so wanted to enjoy the summer, but that had been ruined in two ways already and it was only the second week. Six more weeks of holidays. One a half weeks til Christmas. Twelve days. At this rate, she didn't even know if there was gonna be a Christmas. At least not a proper one.


Taylen had lost count of the days. But she knew Owen only had one more day to wake up or the only support he'd have would be Jesus.

Not a twitch of his arm or a flutter of an eyelid was seen. The entire family was there that day, waiting, watching, praying, and hoping. But nothing was happening. Taylen was starting to worry. She knew she shouldn't, but she was. Zeke reached over and put an arm around her shaking shoulders to comfort her. He knew how hard this was on her, on them all. On the other side, Wyatt took her hand, warming it in his own.

"Please Jesus" she whispered, almost silently, tears starting to run for the thousandth time that week.

Taylen didn't know how or when but the next thing she saw was the roof of her bedroom. Somehow she'd fallen asleep and was now in her room - in her own bed. She sighed and sat up remembering the events of the day before. Today was the day. If Owen didn't wake up, he never would.

The girl swung her legs around the one side and accidentally kicked someone.

"Gabriel!" She shrieked "Why are you in my bed?!"

Gabe sat up quickly and rubbed his eyes. Yawning, he replied "I dunno. My room is too quiet without Owen. Plus I carried you in here, so I kinda deserved it"

Taylen sighed again and slowly got out of bed, leaving Gabe to sleep. She looked at her clock and realised it was only 6:30 in the morning. Another sigh later and Taylen was in the kitchen making two pieces of peanut butter toast. She was sitting at the kitchen bench, feeling very melancholy when majority of her brothers joined her, either on the lounge or on the bench. The only ones who weren't there were Gabe and Owen for obvious reasons.

"Wyatt. Zeke. Your smoothies" Levi said as he placed two mango and banana smoothies on the bench.

Suddenly Mrs Caldwell walked into the living/dining area, her phone in hand, a little ways away from her ear. "It's your dad. He said to come, now"

They all jumped up and sprinted to the car, but not before waking Gabe. No one knew what was going on, but they're were only 3 options. Either Owen woke up, he didn't or he wasn't going to. Taylen desperately hoped it was the first.

Room 117 was the small sign on the door. All the kids were too nervous to go in so Mrs Caldwell turned the nob, hand shaking. As soon as they all entered Mr Caldwell embraced his wife in a hug and Taylen's eyes started watering. That wasn't a good sign. The sight of her brother, lying still on a hospital bed, possibly about to die, made her stomach do flips. The nice nurse and a doctor walked in and that's when Taylen lost it. If they were going to remove his support... she would, she would, she didn't know what she would do.

"Sir, I think it's time" the nurse quietly said to Mr Caldwell, who slwoly nodded his head. Mrs Caldwell started crying softly into her husband's arm.

"Jesus" Taylen whispered "please." She repeated those two words countless times as they took away the support. Everyone was waiting to see the line drop, but it didn't. Not even after 10 minutes. 20 minutes. 30 minutes. An hour passed and Owen's heart beat was still steady, showing no signs of death yet.

After a little while, Mrs Caldwell took the kids home and Taylen went to sit on the beach, to think and pray. But when she got there she spotted a familiar face, sitting it the wheaty grass, knees pulled up to his chest.

"Hey" Taylen said quietly as she sat beside Ryder.

"What do you want?" He asked, clearly annoyed.

"To sit down" she replied, tone getting nasty. Ryder huffed and looked away, but quickly looked back when he noticed her red eyes. He knew something was up, but he didn't say anything.

The two sat in stillness, both alone in their thoughts, for a while. The sound of waves crashing filled the air and the birds were the only ones talking.

Tyalen took a deep breath, attempting to speak without crying "What are you doing here?" She asked

"Nothing. I'm just bored. What about you?" Ryder said, voice easy compared to Taylen's own.

"Just thinking. Praying" An awkward silence settled over the two as they both watched the water. Taylen wiped at her eyes again and took another shaky breath. 

"Why have you been crying?" Ryder suddenly asked, not shifting his gaze from the ocean. 

"Because... be-cos..." She let her head fall into her knees as she trailed off, still trying not to cry right then. 

He scoffed "Only weak people cry."

The girl's head shot up at this statement "I'm allowed to cry ok?!" She jumped up, looking down on him "My brother is dying and you're calling me weak!!" She yelled. Then her voice quietened, but the nasty edge remained "You're unbelievable." She said as she walked away.

Maybe if she had looked behind her, she might have seen the young boy's face fall a little. But she didn't, so Taylen didn't see the empathetic look in Ryder's eyes.

Shorter chapter today guys

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