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The Domo was a living place.

Eros hadn’t expected that. As an Eternal ship, its bones were stark and expansive; a reflection of their creator’s mind echoed in the architecture. And yet, there was a distinct character around them. Stacks of books, trashy food containers, and exquisite fine art littered the space in a chaotic whirlwind, and it was overwhelmingly alive.

The four Eternals aboard didn’t wear their Celestial uniforms. Instead, they were comfortable and confident in Earth clothing, lacking any sort of self-consciousness over their uniqueness from other Eternals Eros had encountered. They did not spout regurgitated rhetoric from Arishem’s mouth at him as if it were their own beliefs. They did not attack him on sight, even when Pip detailed his heritage.

They waited, and they listened as he spoke; three standing, one still sitting on his perch. Around them, the ship breathed with life.

"Your friends are in big trouble. And we know where to find them." Eros offered, revealing the golden sphere he carried.

Thena, radiant in cold outrage and determination, stepped forward. Wordlessly, she held out her hand to him, palm up.

He paused, considering her. "Are you sure?" he asked. "Arishem’s broken a lot of Eternals who stood before him."

"I am."

"Thena—" Adelyne started but the Goddess glared at her, making her to shut her mouth.

Eros set the golden sphere into her open hand. In one swift move, she smashed it into her chest. No hesitation or reluctance. Her spine went rigid, her eyes glazed over with fog. Her hands dropped to her sides as her consciousness was transported across the universe.

Pip cackled, spilling what was left of his drink upon the floor. "She’s a strong one, isn’t she?"

Eros couldn’t disagree, enraptured by her courage.

"Watch it." the Eternal in black said, nodding his chin out to a beautiful red and silver wool woven piece just beyond Pip’s splash zone. Its presence softened the stony floor. "I've always liked that rug— you got it during the Sasanian Empire, didn’t you?"

His question wasn’t for them; his hands moved as he spoke; Eros recognized the technique but not the dialect. The Eternal in the red leather jacket responded in kind, even as she hastily uncovered a towel from a pile of scrap and tossed it over spilled wine before it could stain the rug.

The emotions bleeding into her aura spoke as loudly as her hands. Eros read them in the frothy champagne bubbles that floated off her. Fondness, softness, affection, and the particular joy came from associating items with loved ones. It reminds me of you, her heart screamed.

When Pip edged towards it, curiosity and mischief painting his aura, she shook her head and waved him back with a stern look. Her hand hovered protectively over the ancient rug, and stubborn eyes flashed in a clear challenge.

Pip likely would have tried again—he never really knew when to stop pushing. But Eros wanted their indulgence, not their indignant annoyance. He tapped his friend’s shoulder and ushered him back.

"Enough— I’m sure you'll find other things to play with onboard." He said, looking around the eccentric collection that made the Domo feel inviting rather than imposing. Surely there was something that would entertain his fun-loving friend.

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