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Hours like days, it was mid-afternoon, I finally reached Thena and Gil's house. I saw Thena in here favorite spot from distance. I get out of my car and walk near to the house, searching for Gil.

"Gil? Gilgamesh?" I call out for him as I reached the doorstep. I looked around for him but he's nowhere to be found. I entered the house and went to the hallway where the rooms was. I remove my shoes and tiptoed through the hallway, since the floor was old and creek when you step on it. Thena show me where to step on the floor centuries ago.

I followed Thena's advice and noticed the door of his room was slightly open. I slowly walk over his room and peep my head a little and saw him looking at a picture frame in his hands.

I knock on the door then he looks up, only he has a shock expression written in his face.


"Lyne? What are you doing here?" He asked me.

"Is it true?"

"What?" He was confused.

"Is it true that... You... And T..."

"Are going to married again? No." He interrupt me.

"Wait... What? What do you mean no?" I asked, I was so  confused.

"It was Druig and Makkari that going to get married." I felt my jaw drop on what I just heard.

"They're together?!"

"Yeah. Centuries ago..." He shrugged.

"I thought that —" He interrupted me again.

"That they were just friends?" He asked as I nodded.

"Who told you about it?"

"The one and only, Kingo..." I told him. "He said that Ajak told him about it and he called me." I added.

"Maybe he misheard Ajak." Gilgamesh shrugs.

"Yeah... Maybe..." I said as I yawn. Well, driving from New South Wales to Ululu take 24 hours.

"Tired?" He asked.

"Yeah. Driving 24 hours from New South Wales to here, it make me so tired." I told him.

"Then take a rest." He told me. I smiles and nods to him before going out of his room to their guest room. Forgetting my shoes.


A/N: Hey, guys. It's me again. I'm really, really sorry that I didn't update this past months.

Sorry if this chapter was so short but I'll try my best to make the future chapter longer than this.

Hope you like it!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2022 ⏰

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