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Few moments later, more like days, and I was nearly fall asleep on my cell when I felt a force field had fallen, making me to jerk awake.

Thena, despite her weariness, she had to stay alert. Arishem might come after us at any minute. We didn't have that much of a plan. We were following the flow. So far, we had been pretty lucky actually. The Celestial was arrogant. He didn’t think for a moment his creations could escape apparently. It seemed there wasn’t a security system of any kind. We might not have been that lucky escaping had Arishem been wary of us. The Celestial would probably send Eros after us first, once he would realise we were out. Thena must realised we had no idea what kind of powers he had. That could be a problem.

Sersi's condition was another issue. She was still unconscious. None of us were healers, we had no idea to the extent of her injuries. Moving her might not be helping her at all. Nobody should be left behind though. The building might have a med bay of some sort, somewhere in this labyrinth of a house. Arishem's lab might be our best option. We couldn't go back there. It would be like walking back into the mouth of the monster.

"We need to split into two teams. Phastos and Kingo would be staying with Sersi and hopefully try to get her back to the Domo. The ship might be under Arishem's control considering how it flew down to the planet on its own." I said while the other agreed.

I think Phastos was hoping that the med bay would still be working for them and he had an idea or two on how to sever the link between the shit and the Celestial. Kingo would try his hardest to protect them. Makkari, Druig, Thena and I would go explore the rest of the huge mansion. We need to find a way to destroy Arishem because the galaxy wouldn't be big enough to hide anywhere. We couldn't carry on that life either. It would mean an eternity of not being masters of our own thoughts and actions. The Celestial would force us to forget everything once more. And the next life and then the one after. If that would happen, would we be rebelling again or would Arishem make sure to squash any idea of free will from the very start?

There were four exits possible, four massive doors. One of us, obviously, was going to Arishem's laboratory. Both teams chose to go with the two doors on the opposite side of the room. Phastos had this special link with anything he had built or repaired, as if he put something of himself in those. The engineer would be able to make his way back to the ship sensing it. When his inventions weren't used the way it should have been, he could physically feel it, something that happened a bit too much on Earth. The humans always seemed to find ways to kill one another. At least, in that particular case, it would come in handy.

"I want to find the memory room." Druig explained. "I want to see who we were before."

Makkari nodded her agreement with that feeling. We all needed to know if we were more than Pinocchio's wishing to finally become real. The metaphorical and apparently the real strings needed to be cut off forever. In the fairy tale, the wooden doll, once being finally turned into a real boy, decided to stay with Gepetto, like father and son. This wasn't this kind of story, we were way past that.

Makkari wanted to use her super speed to map the building. Druig didn't want to for the steam to separate. He knew he wouldn't be able to help her in a fight against Arishem but he would try his damn best for her.

"I want to find our other bodies as well." Thena just stated, making me to liked at her.

"I'm coming with you." I said without hesitation

Druig looked at us intensely and then nodded. It was clear that he had understood what she wanted to do and was totally on board. Gilgamesh had counted dearly for all of us. He had been like a father or maybe a big brother or perhaps the weird uncle for Sprite. We would all help and try to bring him back. And if we could bring back Gilgamesh, they could bring back the others. Resurrecting Ikaris might be a problem. That idea was a little hard to swallow. Ikaris had betrayed us but we had been part of the same family for at least seven thousand years and apparently many other lives before.

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