Imagine #1

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"Taetae! Buy me some bubbletea please!"

It was already class dismissal and Taehyung went to your room. He promised that this time the two of you will go out to because its his treat.

"Haha okay okay. Lets go?" He said and you nodded. He grabbed your arm and the both of you ran like kids while laughing.

Taehyung is your bestfriend since childhood. You met also the Bangtan when Taehyung became popular but he never ditched you.

You were so lucky to have him as your bestfriend. Oops. Nothing more, nothing less.

As the two of you entered the bubbletea shop, You smiled and waved at the 6 boys sitting at the corner. They also did the same and you quickly went to them, causing Taehyung to look at you and then to his hands.

"Yah Taehyung come here!"

Rapmon shouted and he quickly went there. He was about to sit next to you but Jimin was faster than him so he glared at Jimin.

"You're no fun Jimin!" Taehyung jokingly said and the others laughed at him.

"Happy Birthday, (y/n)-ah!" They said in chorus. Well, except for Taehyung.

"Aww, thanks guys." You gave your sweetest smile to them and they just fell with your aegyo.

"So cute!" Jin said and laughed.

You laughed at him and the others did the same.

"So, lets order our bubbleteas? Come on guys!" Rapmon said and they stood up also.

Taehyung and you were left. You looked at him and he was looking at you.

"Happy birthday." He sweetly said.

You blushed and looked down, trying to calm down yourself.

"Thank you, Taetae." You said and smiled back shyly.

"Why don't you go with them to take your order?" You asked him curiosly.

"Its because you're here. And... I don't want to leave you alone. You know..." he rubbed his nape and chuckled softly.

"Arasseo but where's my bubbletea? I thought you're going to treat me." You pouted.

"Yes and I gave them our orders and also the money." He said and smiled.

Suddenly he went silent and grabbed his bagpack. You looked outside the glass window and started to smile as you saw the kids were playing outside.

Remembering the time when you and Taehyung were still young and innocent.


Taehyung called you. So you turned your head and saw he was holding a cute pink box.

"Taetae.. You don't have to." You laughed softly and he smiled.

"I insist. Come on, take it." He said and you grabbed the box.

You unwrapped it and saw that it was a ring.

"What's this for?" You asked but he didn't say anything. You looked at the ring and smiled.

"Thank you, I love it."

Taehyung smiled and breathed heavily.

"(y/n)-ah. I'd like to say something important."

You waited for him to say something and he really looked nervous at all.

"I like you a lot, I like you." He said and looked at you directly into your eyes.

You couldn't believe on what he was saying.

"I know it sounds weird but I do like you since we were 12. I mean. I love you."

"Taetae.... I--" you paused for awhile because he was staring at you, really excited about what you are going to say.

"I like you of course. And yes, I do love you."

Taehyung gasped and can't contain his happiness as you said those words.

"Would you like to be my girl?" He asked.

You looked at him and laughed. You nodded your head slowly while he stood up and jumped a littled as he kept on mumbling 'YES!'

He then hugged you and kissed your forehead.

"I never thought my boyfriend is my own bestfriend." You said and he chuckled.

"Once you wear that ring, that means you're mine forever." He said and smiled.

"Hey guys, what did we miss?"

The two of you turned your heads to the 6 boys carrying a tray with bubbleteas.

You laughed and shook your head.

"She's officially mine now, guys." Taehyung said and hugged you again.

"Wow, congrats!" They said and smiled.

"Best birthday gift ever." You mumbled to yourself and smiled secretly.

BTS TAEHYUNG IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now