1~ Different dimensions.

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"Just my luck. There is a woman here," When I turned to confront the raspy voice, a strangely tattooed man was standing in front of me. Whom I later identified as Sukuna.

The king of curses.

"Yeah, Sukuna, what's up?" I gave him a grin. Megumi's attention suddenly turned to me. He probably doesn't understand why a random person is at this building at this time or how I know Sukuna's name.

But dang, nobody warned that curses would be this hot. In my defence, he is completely exposed.

Despite my mental anxiety at the circumstance, I find myself in, I maintained my composure. I'm going to die if I make one wrong move. I have to fight the anxiety that is currently consuming me since this isn't my world.

"Miss, leave the area immediately,"

Megumi was severely hurt and attempted to rise up, but he was helpless.

My feet immediately began to gravitate toward Megumi, and for a brief period I entirely forgot about Sukuna. Like a moth drawn to light, I started to move in his direction. My healing abilities would very likely help him. Or should I say reversed curse technique at this point?

"Your cursed energy seems familiar. Hm? Who are you, woman?"

He grabbed my throat in one swift motion. Really, it's my fault. I should not have let my guard down. I notice Megumi, who is frightened and attempting to stand for my sake. As Sukuna held me up, I could feel my feet losing contact with the ground.

My hands were still by my sides, though, and I didn't blink. I didn't make any effort to move. I've seen worse, and I know how to channel my energy to protect my bones. He couldn't break my bones even if he tried.

I smiled at him.

Behind his eyes, I could sense the wrath. He wants to crush me with his bare hands, and I can see that. But unfortunately for him, I am currently stronger than him.

"No. Ha—" He tightened his hold on my throat, preventing me from finishing the sentence.

When he notices that I am having trouble breathing, he says, "Huh," with a sarcastic smirk that never seem to leave his face.

Looking down at him, I licked my lips.

"I said... harder,"

I struck his nose while simultaneously using all of my power to kick him in the shin. He then dropped me to the ground and skidded a few steps away from me as a result.

I quickly got to my feet and wiped the blood from my lips. I observed the blood on my fingertips. I would never allow myself to suffer a blood injury at work. Even if I did sustain an injury, it would simply be a few bruises or a broken arm or leg. I did, though, when I was 18 and working my first job. Some detectives identified my DNA from my blood. Alvin instantly interfered and completely wiped my identity.

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