Chapter 5

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Flashpaw and Blossompaw sat silently by themselves. They watched the commotion from the other cats. They seemed happy, as if they were a clan themselves.
A yowl came again, much like the one from earlier.  Flashpaw looked up and saw a matted, and ugly looking she-cat. The she-cat had a sad expression.
“Grizabella.” hissed one of the older she-cats. Flashpaw felt uneasy by her tone.  What was going on. The old gray she-cat kept limping forward, clearly injured.
“Remark the cat, who hesitates toward you” she started “In the light of the door which opens on her like a grin”
Murmurs started from the rest of the cats, but Grizabella continued.
“You see the border of her coat is torn and stained with sand” she looked down ‘And you see the corner of her eye twist like a crooked pin”
A calico she-cat stalked forward, “She haunted many a low resort, near the grimy road of Tottenham Court” Grizabella started to walk away.
“She fitted about the No Man’s land” the she-cat continued “From the ‘rising sun’, to the ‘friend at hand’” The calico’s smile turned to a condescending smirk.
“And the postman sighed as he scratched his head” the calico went on “You really have thought, she’d ought to be dead” Grizabella stopped, clearly in pain.
“And who’d have ever supposed that, that” the younger cat went on “Was Grizabella, the glamor cat”
A taller tabby she-cat walked over to the calico, “Grizabella the glamor cat.”
“Grizabella the glamor cat” they called. Grizabella started back up but quickened her pace. All the other cats stood and quickly started chasing her.
“Who’d have ever supposed that, that” they called, mocking her “Was Grizabella the Glamor Cat.” Grizabella hurried off.  Flashpaw watched as they all stepped back, clearly pleased with themselves.
“Whats wrong you, you guys?!” he hissed. They all turned to him.
“What?” Munkustrap asked.
“She was clearly hurt!” he cried “She was probably looking for help.” They all blinked at him.
“She’s fine.” the calico said. Flashpaw rolled his eyes, he got to his feet and went after her.
“Grizabella!” he called “Grizabella!” He ran through the two-leg place. Finally he saw the gray fur of the old cat. She laid on the ground. He walked up and nudged her with his head. The older she-cat looked up at him.
“Hello” she said softly.
“Are you okay?” he asked. She nodded.
He licked at her.
“I’m an old cat, I’ve lived for a very long time.” she said “I’m not new to pain”.
“I can help you” he said “I’m a medicine cat, I know herbs.” But where will you find them?
“Don’t waste your time” she laughed.  Flashpaw shook his head,
“Its not wasting my time to save someone.” he said “Its my job”
She sat up “Your nothing but a kitten” she stated, Flashpaw shook his head “I’m an apprentice, being trained by the best medicine cat that MistClan has ever seen.”
“MistClan?” she asked. Flashpaw nodded.
“I’ve heard of the Clans” she replied “Never did I think I’d meet a Clan cat.”
“I can bring you, once I figure out the way” he said.  Grizabella smiled.
“Your such a sweet cat” she stated.
“Flashpaw!” Flashpaw heard Blossompaw call. He turned and saw his sister bounding towards her, with the calico she-cat and Munkustrap at her side.
“Flashpaw. Get away from her.” Munukstrap directed.
“No.” Flashpaw replied, “She’s injured”.
“She’s fine” said the calico again.
“Flashpaw, do you have any herbs?” Blossompaw asked. Flashpaw shook his head.
“I’ll try to find some, what do you need?” she asked.
“Poppyseeds” he replied.  Blossompaw nodded and ran off.
“Where’s the pain?” he asked Grizabella.
“My legs ache” she replied “But you really mustn't worry, its just from my age”
“Nobody deserves to be in pain” Flashpaw replied. Grizabella smiled. She carefully got back on her feet.
“I’m fine,” she said.
“Flashpaw” Blossompaw called. Flashpaw turned to his sister.
“I couldn’t find any” she said. Flashpaw turned to Grizabella.
“We’ll have to bring her back to the clan with us” he said.
“How are we gonna get back if we don’t know the way?” she asked. Flashpaw looked at her, he knew she was right. Since MistClan became a thing, StarClan hadn’t spoken to them, so he knew that praying to them would be no help.
“I’ll figure it out” he said.  He turned to Grizabella, “Go find somewhere to rest, take Blossompaw with you.” he told her. She nodded.  Grizabella and Blossompaw walked off.
Flashpaw turned to Munkustrap and the calico. “Thank you for your kindness but we really must go.” he said “Our clan needs us”.
“Do you really not know where to go?” asked Munkustrap.  Flashpaw looked at him.
“We’ll figure it out.” Flashpaw replied.
“Come back with us, stay for the ball. Tomorrow I’ll help you.” Munkustrap said. Flashpaw shook his head.
“I’m fine thank you.” Flashpaw replied.
“Macavity is always more active on the night of the ball” the calico said “It’ll be best”.
“Fine” Flashpaw replied. “I’ll go tell Blossompaw”. The calico and Munkustrap nodded.  Flashpaw turned and followed Blossompaw and Grizabella’s scent trail.  He located them laying in next to a tree.
“Blossompaw” he called. His sister turned to him.
“Its getting late, why don’t we stay here for the night, and then travel tomorrow?” he suggested.
Blossompaw looked up before nodding. “Alright, you okay with that Grizabella?” she asked. Grizabella nodded.
“I’m gonna head back over there real quick, just to see if there are any supplies I can take”  Flashpaw said.
“Alright” Blossompaw replied as she laid next to Grizabella. Flashpaw turned and headed back to the place, filled with two-leg junk.  There were more cats now. Two small kits were now out running around.
One of them turned to Flashpaw. “Hi!” he said excitedly.
“Hello” Flashpaw greeted.  The kit bounced excitedly.
“I’m Carbucketty, and thats my brother Bill Bailey!”
“I’m Flashpaw” replied Flashpaw.

The ball ended uneventfully and Flashpaw returned to Grizabella and Blossompaw, much to Munkustrap’s displeasure. He didn’t really care what the older tom thought.
Sleep overtook him, almost the second he laid down.

“Flashpaw” a coarse voice said. Flashpaw looked up, he was in an odd starry area.
“Where am I?” Flashpaw asked, he looked up and saw a light gray tom in front of him.
“I am Skystar, the first leader of SkyClan.” the tom introduced. SkyClan? Flashpaw had heard stories of the original five clans, the clans had been driven apart after the loss of StarClan, and the few remaining cats had created MistClan. His Clan.
“Where am I?” Flashpaw asked again.
“You’re in StarClan,” replied the tom “We’re here to help you find your way.” Flashpaw blinked at the tom.
“How?” asked Flashpaw.
“Follow the brightest star in the sky” Skystar said, “It’ll take you where you need to go.” Flashpaw nodded.
“One more thing Flashpaw” Skystar said “MistClan is in terrible danger, trust the ones who may not seem to deserve it, don’t trust those who wander the lands alone. Save and rebuild the clans before it is too late”
With that Flashpaw felt like he was falling.

“Flashpaw.” he felt the soft touch of Blossompaw beside him.  Flashpaw opened his eyes and looked at her.
“Were you having a nightmare?” she asked. Flashpaw shook his head.
“StarClan spoke too me.” he replied “I know how to get home”. The sun was up now. How will we follow the stars?
“We need to travel at night” he stated. Blossompaw looked at him and nodded.

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