[Hugs And Kisses.]

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For the millionth time Lan Wangji asked:

- Are you OK?

For the millionth time Wei Wuxian answered:

- I am fine, Wangji!

He was slowly starting to get annoyed by this, but then he would remind himself of the great fear his lover harbored inside himself  -  had been, for weeks. Now, most probably not trusting his words at all, he was holding him very gently, letting him cuddle, worried not to hurt him, somehow, still.

They took another bath, and the pain was almost passing, and Wei Ying was left only with the sense of lack, void, missing. They spent the evening eating, watching some movie and marveling at the amount of snow that was still falling and accumulating outside.

- I hope the fool will be OK.   –   Lan Wangji was now mumbling, staring in the darkness through the window.

Wei Ying approached him and hugged his back, burying his face between his shoulder blades, blushing a little.

- Mmmm, you are you still... so very worried.  –  he mumbled inside his T-shirt.

- I am. Both for you and for him.  –  he answered tersely, frowning.

- I see.  –  Wei Ying sighed  -  he had given up trying to assure him that he was fine, and wasn't dying at all. He really needn't have asked  –  Lan Zhan was worrying for his brother very much.

- You know... People have told me... about his... parties...  -  he stuttered.  –  It is... scary.

Oh, come on! Ahhh, Lan Zhan!  –  Wei Ying whined.  –  Now I really wanna go!!!  

- No. Please, no. Don't ask this of me.  He needs this time alone. I don't want to know. He wouldn't want me to know.   –  Lan Zhan whispered.

- I think I understand.  –  Wei Ying was chewing on his lower lip, wondering how to cheer him up.  –  Eh, but then  –  the roads are probably snowed up anyway! Wangji!  –  he grinned.

- Hmmm.

- Oh, we can stay home tomorrow! Oh, come on!  We can... We could... You know... Some more...  -  he hid his face in the warm body next to him again, blushing.

Lan Wangji tried to turn around and face him, but the two strong arms were grabbing his waist too tight.

- Finish that sentence, Wei Ying.  –  he grumbled, not wanting to yank his embrace open yet.

- Mmmm. You are so warm, Wangji... So warm... So sweet... I...   -   Wei Ying purred.

- Mmmm?

- Was it good for you? Today? The sex?

The hot breath in his back made him shiver. Lan Zhan didn't know how to answer.

- Wei Ying...   -  he breathed out, once again trying to turn around.

- Mmmm...

He managed, applying some force in the end, and was now staring at Wei Wuxian's blushing face  –  he was pouting sweetly.

- It was more than good... I have no words to describe it to you, my love...  -   he whispered.

Wei Ying smiled a little. There was still worry in his face, but he knew the cure.

- Sooo, Lan Zhan... Which brand lube? The first, second or the third?  –   he tilted his head to the side, letting his heavy hair fall over his shoulder, and looking up with curiosity, sharply changing the topic.

- WHAT?!?!  –   Lan Wangji barked, and took a step back, shocked.

- Well, we used three different ones today. Which one should be keep? Which one was the best? I think the last one was rather good, but then----

- ARE YOU SERIOUSLY...?!?  -  Lan Zhan started angrily.  –  Ughhh... I can't believe we are discussing this... now.

Wei Ying rolled his eyes, but his cheeks were flushed.

- Ehh, what do you wanna discuss then?!  –  he huffed, but boldly took a step forward and locked him in his arms again.

Lan Wangji was blushing deeply when he felt the hot breath on his neck, and heard the awful and amazing words in his ear:

- Do you want me to tell you how good it feels to know you are so deep inside me? To feel the tip of your cock ram into places I never knew existed... giving me so much pleasure that I wanted to cry? Do you wanna know how amazing it feels... to feel so full? To feel that you are one with the person you desire so much...? The person whom you love so much that your heart aches while he's sleeping... because you miss him...?  Should I tell you how loved I feel when you constantly ask me if it hurts? No one has cared so much before, Wangji... Why are you so good to me...? Are you really an angel? Is this why this monster is so huge???

He licked his ear gently, and his hand slid down to caress over the space between his legs, over the clothes.

- Wei Ying...

Lan Wangji was quite speechless. It all sounded nice, but also bold, and scary.

- Next time will be better, angel. I promise.  –  Wei Ying smiled and his hands now slid to the back, grabbing at his buttocks hard.

- Ughhhhh...

- Kiss me... Kiss me, Lan Zhan... Do you want me...? Lan Wangji...?  –  he was teasing and purring in his neck, leaving small kisses to any naked patch of skin he could reach.

- You... You drive me crazy... How can you be so hot... Oh, Wei Ying...   -  Lan Wangji moaned.

Wei Ying was standing on tiptoe, kissing the soft lips thirstily, sincerely hoping that Lan Wangji had managed to forget about his Ge's birthday party, at least for now. 

In a way, he was a little jealous; it was very clear that his boyfriend loved his brother very much. But in some other ways, he was quite amazed by the connection they shared. Listening to them talk, one would assume they were twins, but he, of course, knew better. 

He also knew not to push: Lan Zhan was going to tell him everything in his own time. He was sure of it.


They spend half an hour on the terrace, drinking hot cocoa, , hugging, carelessly watching the huge snowflakes dance down. It was well past midnight when both went to bed, too happy to feel each other better now. Wei Wuxian was listening to the dear heart beating steadily, smiling to himself. Lan Wangji was tired, and he knew why. 

It felt so good, this special kind of fatigue.


It was around 8 a.m. the next day when Lan Wangji's phone beeped. Wei Ying peeked  –  the blond boy's face was buried in a pillow, and he was sleeping deeply, so he still took the phone to turn the sound off. 

There was a message, from Lan Xichen.

#I am so happy, Di!!!!#

He blinked a couple of times, confused, wondering why Lan Huan might be so happy all of a sudden. Just a day ago, just on Saturday, he had been so down. But then it hit him  –  the birthday party was going to be in the bar,  and A-Cheng was going to be there,  and... Yea. 

Not a great mystery.

He grinned. He couldn't wait to see those two blushing together.  What an improbable match they were!

- What is it... Wei Ying... -  Lan Wangji mumbled sleepily, turning towards him.

- It's all great, babe!  –  he smirked, his voice sounding thick and coarse because of the sticky sleep.

- Come... Come back...  -  a muffled mumbling.

- Yes.

Wei Wuxian was far too happy to snuggle back into the best embrace in the world, even though Lan Zhan was snoring a little. He fell asleep, cuddled into him again, smiling.

[忘羡 | WangXian]: Trial And Error [MDZS Modern AU]Where stories live. Discover now