4. attending the opera

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Mr. Orange

He doesn't have many elegant outfits to wear, but you convince him to go out thrift shopping for a button-up shirt and slacks. You wear something formal you find beneath old prom clothes. Freddy knows even less about opera than you do, but he enjoys the performance, the theatrics of it. While you sit and watch, he touches your hand and brings it over his knee, to hold you tight as the baritone bemoans for his lost love.

Mr. White

He knows some things, he's been around. He can watch an opera and follow along to the story just fine. Larry seems cool in every situation, especially so as he leads you into the theater, arm linked with yours. He points out the landscapes as you watch, leaning to talk into your ear, and explaining the songs to you. At first you think to ask where he acquired his knowledge, but the enigma of him never fails to taunt you.

Mr. Blonde

Vic's really bothered you're taking him. The opera is for people who are uppity and have nothing better to do than prance around in their fancy clothes, so says Vic. He does dress up for the occasion, after you insisting you love the way he looks in a tux. He falls asleep fifteen minutes to intermission -- you're surprised he made it that long.

Mr. Pink

He has a lot of shit to say about the opera, how it's all a replication of life. How we watch people on stage live out their lives and we pay attention to the drama because it's entertaining. You nod and hum as he talks, just to let him know you're following along. At the end, he stands from the bed and reaches out his hand. After all that, he still offers to take you to the opera. 

Mr. Brown

Yeah, he can get with the opera. He loves the twist and turns of the romances and the tragedies. Together, in the fourth row, he sits quietly (to your surprise) and only pipes up during intermission: "Adina doesn't know what she's missing with Nemorino. Like you . . ." You laugh in response and knock his shoulder before forcing him to get you both drinks from the bar. 

Nice Guy Eddie

Eddie taking you to the opera is a special treat. He buys you a new outfit, treats you with champagne and good food, and holds you on his arm as you enter the opera house. You have a box seat, of course, and he's even brought opera glasses for you. You chuckle at the gesture, but you use them for most of the show. These are the few times where Eddie gets serious. It's all about your enjoyment after all.

canispeaktomarge requested this ages ago and I said I was going to work on it. I apologize for my extreme lateness, but I've got a writing bug now. Enjoy!

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