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[E D I T E D]

"Solan, never let her bloodline go back there!"

Solan shakes her head to dispel these thoughts. She looked restless when she gazed at the clock. It was Sunday night, past midnight. She recalled the moment she let her daughters out of the island for summer camp and one of them never returned. Her hands and feet grew cold, simply by thinking.

She gazes back at the old silver anklet on the dining table. A frown creases her forehead, she tried to calm herself down.

Door of the kitchen swung open. Solan's husband, Seokjin walks inside. When he saw his wife sitting with a grim expression on her face. He smiles warmly and sits next to her, he knew what she was upto. She was nervous about letting their daughter leave the island.

"Are you worried? How she'll be by herself?" Seokjin asks and Solan flinches and snapped out of her thoughts. And, hearing his voice and looks at him smiling weakly.

"No! I know she'll be okay. I'm worried about something else." She said looking at the anklet and Seokjin notice the thing on the table and narrow his eyes. Puzzled. What's this? He thought.

"What is it?" Seokjin asks.
"I just— it's Nothing," She says and shakes her head and grabbed the anklet and walked out of the kitchen and climbed upstairs to her daughter's bedroom. She knocked.

"Come in!" Voice came from inside and the door opens. Her daughter looked up from the table at which she was sitting and saw her mom.

"Mumma!" Yeona chirps

Seeing her and Solan couldn't hold her smile seeing her daughter wearing the lighter-coloured onesie. She looked cute! Unlike her usual self. She never appreciated, How her young daughter who liked colourful things embraced the dark shades growing up. She knew the reason. It's because of what happened that year when she was in middle school.

Mom walks inside and gazes at the table where the stack of papers is.
"Were you writing songs again?"
"Yes, I couldn't sleep, "Yeona replies, lazily.
"Why didn't you take literature or music if you like writing so much?" Her Mom asks.

Yeona's black eyes smile. She looked magnificent, beautiful under the light of the lap. Her dark, long hair swindled in the air because of the wind. Solan could see how she didn't look like her or her husband, no resemblance between the two. She was her daughter, she gave birth to her then why?

Solan drew sharp breaths looking at the young girl sitting before her. She shook her head. No way! She came out of my womb. She came when I had lost all my hopes of being able to experience motherhood. It can't be, she is my DAUGHTER! She smiles lovingly at her child, extending her hands to palm her chubby cheeks.

"It's just a hobby mom, I don't want to make a career in it!" Yeona softly utters leaning her head on her mother's palms. Solan sighs, gazing at her child.

"You should still go to bed, it's late or you won't wake up on time," She advises Yeona and she nods, but her eyes fall on the anklet in her mother's hand.

It looked pretty and old, hippie style. Yeona liked the hippie aesthetic the reason her room was designed like that. For fashion, she prefered classy fits.

"What's that thing in your hand mom?" I ask, pointing at the silver thing and she looks down.
"Oh, It's a Goodluck charm. I used to use. I─", She became quiet and drew in a good amount of air.

"Yeona, it's an anklet. Wear it and promise me one thing . . . Never ever take it off. No matter what!" She said, I narrowed my eyes slightly confused but sighed.
"Okay mom," I took it from her and wore it around my left ankle. There was something written on it. It looked like a language but I couldn't understand it.

• • •

As she said, I did get late.

"YEONA. Get up you'll get late for your flight!" She yells and she slowly opens her eyes, her eyes taking the sight of the woman who seemed to be her mother. Then, the elderly woman leaves the room.

Yeona taking a deep breath opens her eyes, extending her hand towards the alarm clock that seemed to be screaming to wake her up for some time, "Oh, shut the fuck up!"

I roll f the bed to the floor and roll to the bathroom door. Brushed my teeth, took a bath and changed into loose clothes and get downstairs. The moment I set my foot in the kitchen, seeing mom running from one side to the other. My anxiety kicks in me. I have a flight to Seoul.

"Yeona? Why are you in these clothes?" Mom asks and I lick my lips nervously and turn around running upstairs.
"Stupid Noona!" Yoonjae, my younger brother snorts.
"SHUT UP!" I grumble and went to my room.

I change into baggy jeans and a grey hoodie and run downstairs towards the kitchen, quickly stuffing the french toast in my mouth. My dad grabbed the car keys, we kept all my luggage in the truck last night only, cause my parents doubted me. As you can see, I'm not a punctual kid.

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