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"Is that you uncle?" The soft feminine voice uttered. A wind blew softly fluttering his hair.

The young girl before him extended her arms gazing at me. "Uncle Joonie! Ups! Ups!"

Her forest green eyes were gleaming, as her giggles echoed in the forest. I rolled my eyes staring at the little girl. But still I leaned forward picking her up in my arm.

"Little Priestess! You are too big to fit in my arms now. Stop asking me lift you,"

She would pout and look back at Yoongi with her bambi eyes, asking him to scold me. 

"Well, You were the one who got her this habit. Now you've to pay for it." Yoongi would simply laugh.

Namjoon halts and turns around to see a grown women, with same green bambi eyes. Now she had baby bump on which she rested her hand.

"Its really you?" The girl who always loomed upto me with loving eyes was now had expression full of resentment.

She sighs and rolled her eyes, looking away. When another girl joined from with a awkward expression covering her face.

"Umm.... Ari who is he? Why sre you calling him uncle?" She asked, her name is Narae. The wolf who works as commander of said Queen according to my myths.

"He is Yeona's real father, son of heckate." Ari replies curtly.

Her eyes glaring before at me, before she scoffs. "To be honest its ironic how you didn't want to except Yeona at her birth and now you're taking care of her,"

Namjoon rolls his eyes and crosses his hand on his chest, "You'll never understand my reasons, Ari. Nor am I here to make you understand my reasons. Yeona is here with you, right?"

Ari clenched her jaws, pursed her lips and stared ar him for a moment. Trying to judge his intentions, "No! She isn't here."

Namjoon's eyes widened, "What do mean? I sense her mana ending here?"

Narae sighed seeing Ari hesitating. She pushed her out of the way, "Mr. Kim! Yeona did come here but she left after taking silver knife with her."

Seokjin gasped, "A knife? What is she upto again? Namjoon we need to find her before she ends up hurting herself."

Ari frowned, "Why- why would she hurt herself?"
Seokjin hesitated, glanced at Namjoon who nodded.

"Can we talk inside?" Namjoon asked, looking around on the empty street. Ari face scrunched up immediately.

"I thought you were never going to set your foot in the coven again?"

Narae clicked her tomgue, What is she doing? "Ari! Stop with you shenanigans, we need info right now." Then she glances at Namjoon, "Please come inside Mr Kim."

Ari simply rolled her eyes and turned around going inside. While, Narae took the opportunity to guide Namjoon inside. She was curious about who the son of heckate might be, never expected him to be so close to her. She was worried if it was okay to involve Mr. Seokjin. She glanced over at him with puzzled expression.

"I'm the most realible source of information you need young lady. I know more about Yeona, than this brat." He said wrapping his hands around Namjoon's neck and laughing.

Narae also laughed awkwardly as she lead them inside.


Unknown Pov

I flapped my wings as I rsched outside the window of top floor. I saw her sitting against the bed, her body covered in burned patches- blight. Her blue eyes lifelessly staring at the floor, scratching her body. Everytime she left scratches they healed instantly leaving her skin as beautiful as before.

I sighed and recalled the words my father said. You can go to help your brothers. Do not get involved, we can't break the pact.

She seemed to had noticed my as my shadow was casting on the floor, raised her head. Her eyes wide open and the lips curling upward.

Yeonhee smiles, I saw her ocean blue eyes gleaming. She got up from the floor, opening the french window for me. The wind my wings made fluttered her hair back, she sighs closing her eyes slightly. Before retriving them, black mist appeared covering my bare body. I went inside the room through the window.

Staring at her bare shoulder that was covered in blight, it was sloely disappearing, "Does it hurt?"
"Now it doesn't. It used to happen when I was young." She replies humbly.

I gazed up to see her dark locks falling on her face, my hands itched to tuck them out of her face. I can't do that. I cannot touch her. I clenched my fist, I wish I could touch her. My touch will only increase her pain. I'm a Demon Prince and she is a demigod.

"I hate the fact that I can't do anything for you," I grumbled.

Suddenly, she takes a step closer to me and wrapped one of her hand around my neck. I know what she was upto. I let her do it. She used her other hand cover my lips, before tip toeing and pressing her lips on top of her hand. I wrapped my hand around her waist to support her body. I want to kiss you until you drop.

She pulls away before hugging me, "Your presence is enough to make me feel better,"
I sighed closing my eyes and hiding my face in the crook of her neck, "I wish I could burn those bastards in hellfire."

She gasps, "But you'll end up breaking the pact,"
"I know, I'm willing to do it. I don't care if I break the pact."
She gazed up resting her chin on my chest, "But.... if you break the pact you'll die. And, I don't want you to die. Kai."

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