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[E D I T E D]

Yeona screamed, swinging her hands and arms uncontrollably. "I SAID LET GO!"

He sighs, loosening his grip on my waist. I, in an instant slips out of his hand. I was in the mid air when he chose to let go off me. Now, I was falling because of gravitational pull. I was not even screaming, I've been through these kind of situations alot. These life and death situations doesn't scare me anymore.

I simply blinked my eyes while staring at the guy I've never see before. He had black hair and pretty face, I've never seen him before. On top of that he had greyish wings. Not black or white?

While I was in my thoughts. Suddenly I felt back hitting something hard. Black mist suddenly appears from my behind got wrapped around my body.

I heard him laughing, "Did you think I'll let you die that easily?"
I screamed because I felt his breath trickling in my ear.


In the flash, I was thrown on the something hard and cold. I inhaled huge amount of smoke which I've no idea where it came from? It made me cough.

"Look alive brothers! Look what I brought." I heard him say while I was busy coughing.

"Yeona?" I heard Beomgyu's voice. My eyes widened and I shot my gaze in the direction his voice came from. He was standing their with his phone against his ear and Soobin standing next to him.

Beomgyu frowns as his eyes narrows as he inspects my body. I followed his gaze to see blood visible on my hands, clothes and skin. Why does he have to see me in this state? I glanced at the guy who brought me here. He was grinning, while leaning against the gigantic mahogany shelf.

Does he know Beomgyu? Oh my god of course he does that's why he brought me here. I glanced at Beomgyu once again, my heart racing palpitations. Lump appeared in my throat making me choke, because I was struggling to swallow it.

Beomgyu suddenly held my arm and pulled me closer to face him. "Yeona! What happened? Why is there so much blood on you? Shit! You're completely drenched in it."

He had blood in palms, which seemed to have been on my clothes. My body froze when I realized what I had just done I killed people? I used all the training I recieved from Narae in killing a bunch of people. Just based on that stupid dream, my legs finally began to shake as my knees grew weak, making it hard for me to stand. And, I would've fallen if not for Beomgyu who was holding me in my place.

"Pfft." Foreigner dude, who brought me here chuckles.

I mechanically turn my head to glare at him, "You think that's her blood. You should've seen her when she was killing Nosferatu dogs like video game character."

I saw Beomgyu from the corner of my eyes frowning and then shot a glance at me. Fuck, I shouldn't have relied on that stupid dream I had and acted on it. I didn't even meet Yeonhee.

Life. Mine sucks extra hard.

"Is he telling the truth?" His voice, it was low, deep and demanding.

He was fuming with anger. Enough to freeze me in my spot. I didn't move a inch. Frozen in my spot, I thought it was the best way to avoid answering his question. But, my eyes were automatically looking everywhere else other than his face.

He suddenly, grabbed my cheeks and made me look at him in the eye. His eyes pierced gaze more than enough to make me tremble. Don't look at me like that. I closed my eyes tightly, grabbed his wrist to make him loosen his grip.

His grip loosened as I was about to leave, he wrapped his hand around my waist, While I swayed my hands in air to seperate him away from me. I was literally covered in the blood and what the hell does he want? I don't want him to touch me in this state.


"Are you out of your fucking mind? How can you throw yourself in a place like that?"

"But my sister was there." I blurted out unable to listen him nag. It was enough to quieten him, as he glanced at that foreigner boy behind me before gazing back.

"How can that be possible? Even if it was how cam you just jump into it like that?"
"She was in pain, crying, begging for things to come to an end."

Yeona said, widening Hueningkai's eyes. He varely managed himself from wanting to kill her, he curled his palms tightly gritting his teeth.

While I was sinking in my thoughts of future and imagery of Beomgyu from future. My eyes were getting duller, just thinking about stuff that happened to him. It made me saddened me.

And suddenly the door of the room swung open, pulling me out of the ocean of my bad thoughts. I glanced at the door to see Ari, Narae, Yeonjun and My dads (Namjoon & Seokjin) standing at the door.

My jaws dropped open. I'm sure my face was washed with horror of having to explain things which would never make sense to these people. I don't even want to explain or tell anyone what I went through. It isn't embarrasing but, putting it simply I just don't want others to know how shitty their lives turned because of me.

"Yeona!" Ari fretted as she held her swollen belly and walked towards me.
When she stands in front of me I tried to focus on her but, my eyes kept going to her belly. Suddenly she slapped me, hard enough for it to burn and sting, and hard enough to completely shake my brain matter.

"ARE YOU OUT OF DAMN MIND? HOW CAN YOU THROW YOURSELF INTO DANGER? DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE WAITED FOR YOU TO BE BORN?AND HOW MANY PEOPLE DIED SO THAT YOU CAN LIVE?" She screamed on top her lungs, before grabbing my arms and rocking my body. I simply gritted my teeth to hold back the anger that surged through me. But, I was at mistake for worrying so many people. But, why is she saying so many people waited and died for me to be born? What could it possible mean?

"Why did you go there?" Ari asked, her burning eyes piercing into my soul. I gulped.
"I saw my sister there...." I mumbled, Ari frowned and froze.
"I think... I got a premonition,"
"P-pre-premonition told you the exact place where your sister was?" She asked once again, confirming and I nodded. She slowly let go of my hand before pinching her nose bridge and sighing.

"Yeona...don't always act on your premonition. It's not always correct and secondly, never throw yourself into danger....learn to treasure yourself....I still can't believe that you actually entered there and came back unscathed. But, since it was you maybe that's why it was possible?" Ari was continuining to speak, while holding her head. It seemed like her preganancy harmone got into her head.

I glanced at my dads, they looked like they had so much say. Especially Namjoon, but he remained quiet. I was simply watching their faces, one,(seokjin) couldn't say anything because it wasn't his place to say and another (namjoon) couldn't say anything because he felt so distant.

"C'mon Ari give her a break." Narae interuptted as she grabbed Ari's back to stop her shenanigans.

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