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At Coven, Before arriving at the banquet hall.

Yeona was grazing her hands on the book as she walked through the shelf. The memory of the dreams replayed in her head as she recalled Soojin using a magic which she wished to use. But Yeona couldn't remember the procedure of using it. Now, here she was looking for it in the books.

I was able to master the basics rather quickly, to be honest it was weird. I'm not a very intelligent student but when I'm using magic it feels like I already know what's the next thing I need to do.

My eyes fell off one of the books I recalled Soojin was reading. The blue coloured book with golden borders engraved on it. I inhaled a small smile making its way to my lips as I pulled the book out.


"Uh… is your appearance changing…" I saw everyone looking at me baffled. Shit! I was caught off guard. My mind blanked all of sudden all I could think of was running away from them. I charged myself towards the staircase. Those people suddenly appeared in front of me. Did they just teleport? I didn't really feel surprised when I saw it. For some reason the back of my head began aching. My body moved on its own as if it was used to such things and I dodged like 10 people and entered the narrow staircase.

I saw men running behind me. I just grabbed the railing and jumped off a flight of stairs. It was quite a high jump. Was I even capable of something like this? My heart is pounding like crazy, I've never felt like this. I heard voices in the back of my head and scenarios popped out, the one I've never seen.

The pain became unbearable, I lost my footing. I closed my eyes tightly knowing I'll fall. I felt a warm hand embracing me. My mind feels at ease for a moment. When I heard the slow, deep voice.

"Yeona…." I mechanically raised my head to see Beomgyu staring at me with confused eyes. I could smell his wine like cologne, that clouded my mind for a moment.

"Oh…I never thought. I would like to meet Master Choi?"  The moment I heard that voice, I came back  to my senses. I wanted to run away but Beomgyu held my arms tightly. I was confused, my heart was beating constantly out of anxiety.

"What is happening here?" Beomgyu asked firmly.
"Nothing much… I'm sorry you've to see such a mess…." That man said nonchalantly. My eyes widened at the realisation that Beomgyu knew a man like him. "You see that woman is mine. I would be happy if you returned her to me."
Beomgyu's grip on my arm tightened. He gazed down on me, eyes cold as ice. I instinctively felt an urge to run away from him.

"This woman is yours…?" He asked in a low deep voice, as he grabbed my face to take a look. It felt humiliating, when he did that.
He is not a human does that mean… they capture witches. Is that why Ari warned me?

"I want this woman… how about look for another one?" Beomgyu proposed, his eyes still fixated on me.
"That can't happen, master Choi, she is a witch. I can't give her to you completely. But….we can have a 50-50 share ...." The moment I heard his mouth uttering those words. I felt humiliated beyond what I had ever expected. I was so ashamed to hear two men talking about sharing me like I'm some object.

"LET ME GO!" I yelled loudly.

Yeona banged his chest with all her strength to the point that it began to hurt. And in no time, Beomgyu was pushed back leaving Yeona free and she rushed past him. Not even bothering to look back.

Shit! Beomgyu muttered under his breath.

I wanted to end it without any bloodshed. It could've been solved but that girl… The way she looked at me I can tell that she doesn't trust me at all.

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