Chapter 6; Bone Crunching Birthday!

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Ryan, as you know, loved to garden. It was his comfort zone, his hobby, his safe space, the reason he died, etc...Today, November 16th, 2020; was his birthday. He was walking home from a long day at the hotel, Ozzy and Chub were..somewhere and Ryan was tired as fuck.

It all happened so fast, like fucking Lighting McQueen style.

He was walking along the sidewalk, examining flowers of all sorts, writing down notes in his notebook, things a random gardener would do.
Ozzy and Chub weren't answering his calls, they were supposed to be home from 'prison' a few hours ago. Ryan was worried sick, literally. His face was green from it.

When Ryan was worried, he didn't pay attention to things, which means he didn't see the speeding car coming his way.

It was gruesome, to say the least.

First of all, what the fuck? What kinda idiot goes 50mph over the speed limit. Dumb bitch.
Second, what kind of idiot doesn't look both ways when crossing the road? Double dumb bitch.

Anyways, it didn't end well. Cops were called, friends and family were called. Poor guy wouldn't survive.

Now I KNOW, this is all going really fast, and everything just took a hard turn. But don't worry, it'll all be fine in the next chapter I PROMISE.

(hint hint; im NOT lying)

Now that we're past that.
Lets get back to Ozzy and Chub, who were exploring the basement remember? Wipe those tears, or dont whatever. I mean its not THAT sad.

A few hours earlier..

A/N: TO BE CONTINUED!!! Hope you enjoyed/suffered cuz i sure did.
274 words :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2022 ⏰

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