Leaving the tree of life

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Fuli followed kion til they reached the borders fuli was sore BC of the burn marks still hurting.

Fuli: where are we going?

Kion: look I'll leave the tree of life but you have to accept my purposel and do everything I say! One wrong move and I come back for this land!

Fuli: okay...

Kion: your so lucky i don't kill you were u stand and feed you to the souls!

Fuli winced in pain and the thought of it she barely knew him now.

Kion glared at fuli waiting for a response or some argument.

But none came she just kept quiet.

As they were about to leave fuli spoke.

Fuli: can I atleast tell someone I'm going?

Kion: I suppose so

Kion sat on a rock

Kion: you got half an hour

He closed his eyes and napped.

Fuli ran off and went over to tiffu

Tiffu: fuli!

Tiffu saw that fuli was upset.

Tiffu: what's wrong..

Fuli: I have to leave with kion tell everyone! Not to follow it's the only way to save this place.

Tiffu: no..no you can't do this not with that monster!he's gonna kill you!

Tiffu: fuli.. we were supposed to start a family and I...

She started sobbing really hard.

Fuli: you need to understand it's for your safety ,I'll be gone for a month or a year at most. I will come back for you darling this I promise.

Fuli was now crying too and softly kissed tiffu.
Tiffu kissed back and wiped her tears away.

Tiffu: you will always be in my heart.

She put her head forward.

Fuli: and you will be in mine.

Fuli put her head against fulis like a hug.

Tiffu: good bye... Make it one month or else I'm gonna be mad

They both chuckled

Fuli: sure..

Fuli ran off as tiffu smiled but when fuli was out of sight she dropped to the ground crying hard she felt her heart break.

Fuli saw kion resting on a rock and as soon as she want to closer .

Kion: I know your there fuli I dont need to sleep anymore I have infinite powers.

Fuli: right....

Kion got up and gave fuli a small kiss.

Kion: oh how happy this makes me

He said with no smile at all

Fuli was crying as she looked at kion he gave a creepy smile

Lightning and thunder was happening now as if the sky was crying for fuli's lost

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Lightning and thunder was happening now as if the sky was crying for fuli's lost.

Kion began to walk and fuli followed as she looked back at her home.

When they got to the cave fuli gasped at how great the place looked

Kion: impressed?

Fuli:wow- I mean no it's horrible!

Kion: your lieing is really bad .

Fuli: Im just here like you wanted so when do we go?

Kion: tomorrow but for now we eat then you and I are gonna play and then sleep.

Fuli: jeez controlly much

Kion sat on his throne.

Fuli looked around and then she saw kion looking like he was gonna burst with laughter

Fuli: wait no! Never!

Kion: yep!

Kion made space small space on purpose so fuli would have to be squished .

Fuli jumped on the throne and lied down growling.

A group of animals came in with a buffalo.

Kion: great let's eat.

Fuli: don't they need to eat?

Kion: no, they aren't alive

Fuli: well I'm not hungry

Kion:eat! Or I'll make the tree of life suffer!

Fuli reluctantly got up at started eating.

Kion followed and started eating.
Fuli squealed when she saw how sharp Kion's teeth got.

When they were done eating kion lead fuli to a flower meddow where they first kissed

Fuli: yep I remember this place..

Kion started play fighting fuli.
Fuli hated kion but then she felt not scared and started play fighting back

They laughed as they rolled down a hill.

Kion: see if you would of just accepted we wouldn't be like fighting

Fuli: yeah....umm I gotta get water.

Kion: kiss first.

Fuli: um no thanks

Kion: that wasn't a question

Fuli kissed kion for a moment she forgot about Kion's actions and kept kissing

Fuli was confused who she loved now .she didn't realise she was still kissing him.

Kion wrapped his arms around her and keeps kissing.

Fuli then snapped out of her thoughts.

Fuli: omg I'm sorry kion!

Kion: it's fine I'm just surprised I thought I had to torture you to get your to kiss me like that early.

He wasn't joking .

Kion and fuli went back to the cave and fell asleep.

Fulis mind: ugh I hate him so much!

Fuli woke up the next morning her eyes were closed and she was cuddling something fluffy she opened her eyes and screamed.
She was on kion chest as he was staring at her in the most confused way.

Kion: fuli please! Will you stop Kissing my chest it tickles you know

Fuli got off .

Kion and his army later on started to walk away from the tree of life to take of new kingdoms.

Fuli was by his side and lil did she know it was gonna be 2 years until she saw tiffu again..

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