Fuli and the lioness

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Fuli:we should head back,I'll go to my den -

Kion: nonsense I've been doing these things so you would love me ,but now you do you can sleep with me in my place.

Fuli:omg that's so sweet of you babe!

Fulis mind: ugh fuli just go with it ,how am I gonna leave with my cubs if I'm fricken being guarded by everyone!

Fuli: it's sweet of you but ...umm...I have a cold

Kion: really? You don't look like you have one

Fuli fake coughs and sneezes

Fuli: yep can't give you this cold ..

Kion: it's alright fuli I'm like a god now .

Kion picks up fuli and puts her on his back.

Kion: see I can carry you back to our place and we will be together forever my sweet love

Fuli: forever?...

Kion: and forever!

Fuli: dam it..

Kion carried fuli back to his place and set her down on the flat rocks with flowers on it .

Kion laid beside fuli and cuddels her .

Fuli: what would you do if the cubs wasn't yours?

Kion: but they are mine I'm the one who-

Fuli but ever think it could be someone's while we broke up .....

Kion: hmm if it was I would kill that person then I would kill the cubs and then you and me can try again for a baby til it's perfect

Fuli: oh.....

Kion: why ? Do you have something to tell me?

Fuli got up and backed away as kions claw came out and his eyes glowed ocean blue.

(Yes this is used for my other story but I think it saves me describing )

(Yes this is used for my other story but I think it saves me describing )

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Fuli:um love can you stay back please...

Kion pins fuli and scratches herand places a claw on her stomach-


Fulis bites his paw and gets up.


Kion calmed down and smiled and lied back down and made fuli lie down with him.

Kion licked the wounds that he gave fuli.

Fuli fell asleep and then kion did .

In the middle of the night fuli eyes opened and she looked beside her kion was still asleep.

She rolled away but then kion in his sleep brought fuli closer and cuddels her.

Fuli:.....why world why

She got up and placed a rock where she was as kion put his arms around it instead .

Fuli was about to leave but then looked at kion.

Fuli: bye my sweet kion ik that monster still has a hold of you.

Fuli ran off and made her way past the sleeping elementals

She ran and ran til she was put of sight of that kingdom and was in a desert .

It was beautiful to her as she saw the  stars shining .but then it started to rain

Fuli: um I can't see that well ...ow!

She looked at her leg and sees a Scorpion there with its stinger in her legs and then it pulls back and run away.

Fuli sees double now and feel very ill and before she passes out she sees an outline of some type of feline.

But then faints.

The feline walked over to the adult cheetahs body and nudges her but then puts her on its back and walks to a near by cave out of the rain.

Fuli wakes up the next morning .

Fuli: oh.my head

She rubs her head .

Fuli: what happened..

??? You were stung by a Scorpion and fainted your lucky I saved you .

Fuli: oh...thank you......

???  What's your name cheetah

Fuli: wow someone is grumpy...my name is Fuli and if your going ask yes I'm technically queen of the elementals with kion but please don't kick me out!

???:fuli...fuli...it can't..be....um- anyway no I will not kick you out fuli

??mind:I finnaly found her!!!!!! But she can't know it's me! Ugh!

Fuli: what's your name ?

???: ....I'm tif....um! I'm Tiffany!

Fuli: oh..well you do look like quite a tough lioness

Tiffany: oh fuli you have no idea

Tiffany smiles

Fuli just looks so confused but smiles back

Fuli's torn heart  💔On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara