Chapter 3# The New Game

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"Lucifer intended to kills the prophets..",said Gabriel.
"And he failed..",John guessing.
"Yeah,of course..",retorts his guest.
"Lucifer was one of us,that's why we could never imagined about his stupid thought.."
"Maybe he already frustrated..",John guessing again.
"Maybe..",Gabriel admitted.
"To frustrated,so he had forgotten that even a prophet looks like an ordinary human,they undoubtly are the God's right hand.."
"Everywhere they go,or whatever they do-the Almighty will always be their side.Fought them is the same like fought the God itself.."
"So when Lucifer got beaten,all of us down to earth to judge him-for he already breaks the deal."
"We was there-stand beside the prophet,while Lucifer got down on his knee before Him."
"Then we heard God's voice through the prophet's mouth."
"Are you already realize your mistake...??"
Lucifer could only nodded his head.
"So,I guess you already know what will happen to you..?",the God asked again.
Lucifer nodded again.
"I will accept whatever you will do to me my Lord..",he replied.
"If I ask you to give me your head,would you give it..?
"Giving a head..?",John interupted Gabriel story.
"What a tiny request."
"I thought that he will be tortured to death or burned to ash.."
Gabriel smiling,then continues speaking.
"Actually that was one of the hardest punishment for an immortal like us John."
"And how could is that..?,John seems not quite understand.
"Tell me John..",said Gabriel.
"What will you do if you must live your life for eternity without ever could see,eat,heard or smell anything..?"
John wasn't answers,it seems that he could never imagine something like that.
"If you asked me,I will choose death..",said Gabriel.
"That's why we all thought that Lucifer at least will ask for forgiveness or something like that,but what he did was beyond our expectations..",Gabriel continued.
"He-without hesitation-takes his blade and cut out his neck and put his head before the prophet's foot."
"No one of us could say a word,while the prophet smiling to him."
"You have show me how great you in keeping your words,Lucifer."
"And for your loyalty,I will give you a present.."
Just after the God said so,from His right hand aroses a goat head-which He putted on Lucifer's cutted neck.
Those parts then united immedietly and with his new head,Lucifer now able to stared at us all again.
"What is this my Lord..?",Lucifer asked.
"I have decided to give you a second chance..",the Lord answered.
"I can't give back your real head because however,a punishment is must be given."
"So as for replacement,you will live your life with that head until you able to win this competition fairly."
"But my Lord,he already breaks the rule..'-I tried to remind Him..",Gabriel explained.
But the Lord only smiled at us all.
"I know that..",He answered.
"Thats why this time he wasn't be the player.."
"What do you mean my Lord..?"asked I.
The Lord looked at Lucifer who still knee down and watches us with confuse too.
"I'll give you one week."
"And during that time,you must find a faithless,atheistic women who willingly to be your bride.."
"Then trough her,your son will born to this world as your representation.."
"He the one who will continue your desire for human,while you will be locked out in hell until your son able to release you.."
"But this time-because you had break the past rules-I think there will be no problem if I create a new one."
"So,I'll give your son three main conditions,and it will be your job to deliver it to him when he is mature enough."
"First,like before,your son were not allowed to kill a single human with his own hand.."
"Second,his jobs is to find a way to make humans destroyed each others and drag themselves to their own extinction."
"Finally,he must able to find ten thousands humans who willingly to sacrifice their life for him.And for that he can uses any tricks to deceives them.."
"If he succeeded to runs all of those conditions without any failure,the Hell's gate will be open.You will be released and permitted to rule this world."
"It also proofed,that your opinions for Adam's heirs wasn't wrong."
"But I reminded you-that to run the final condition-your son must succeeded to runs the second one first.."
"In other word,the sacrification of those ten thousands humans only due after he can created a massive destructions and falls the darkness to the world.Other wise those sacrification-even if it done-will meaningless and considered that he had breaks the rules.."
"And if that things happened,not only you,but your son also will sends and locked in hell for eternity.And you can say goodbye to all of your desire,because there will be no another chance.."
Lucifer nodded and smiles with gratefully,then he asked.
"Forgive me my Lord,but how my son will knows exactly whenever the second stage has completed...?.
The Lord smiles back.
"When the Hell's Gate arise from the ground,and the sky turns red-it will be the sign that your son already succeeded."
"And the last things that he must do,is to holds the sacrification ceremony in front of it and then the gate will be open."
And then our Lord turned His sight to us all.
"While for all of you."said He.
"Your duty is to make sure that Lucifer son's mission could be destroyed.."
"And for that,I also have two conditions.."
"First,you all not allowed to disturbed Lucifer heir until he mature enough to started his mission.."
"Second,just like him-you all must only depended to another human to do it."
"In other word,you all must choose the right person to be your knight or prophet,to face Lucifer son plans."
"Is that all clear..?"the Lord looked to us all,and nothing we can do but to accepted it.
"From now on,all of this will be your game."
"Because this time,My jobs is only to make sure that it all will run fairly.."
After said that,the prophet dissapeared,and left us alone with Lucifer which now stands his body up and stares at us with nasty eyes.
"This time I will win.."said he.
"All of you will see the falls of humans,and this world gonna be mine.."
"We'll see about that Lu.."said I.
"Because the light will always shines the dark.."
"Then we'll see..",Lucifer laughing then dissapeared.
All of we could only glancing each other and take a deep breath.
"So the new game begin.."

* To be continued *

Apocalypse ; The Chronicles of Johnny RubahTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang