Simple Obedience

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Welcome to my scripts.
Please find a comfortable position
And focus on my words

Today we will focus on something a little different than my other scripts

Today we will look at a strange feeling
Yet a nice feeling
An obedient feeling

Now obedience is a strange little thing
When you obey you aren't just completely blank and following whatever I say.

Obedience is knowing that when I tell you to do something, you follow my command easily with a nice relaxed and blissful feeling.

I know you want to experience this blissful feeling of obedience.
In fact you're already experiencing it right now.
Let's see how long it takes before you descend down into relaxing.
How long it takes before you drop.
How long it takes before you obey.

In fact you're already hypnotized right now.
All my words have relaxed you
All my words have tipped you over the line
All my words have slowly walked you deep into this nice and relaxing trance.

Now for my readers who drop easily,
And who love to be hypnotized, find yourself automatically leaving a comment right now saying,
"I'm easy to hypnotize"

Very good

Now I know there's some stronger readers out there..
But there's nothing to worry about!
You'll also drift down into a nice blissful trance
Deep down you know you want to obey.
Find this next countdown will show how deep you truly are.
With each number I count
On each of the numbers
You'll find yourself counting down with me
You'll start counting once you've begun to drop into a deeply relaxed trance.

This could happen at any time, but just let your mind surrender as you focus on my words, as you












All the way down
Very good
So relaxed
So deep
So hypnotized
So obedient
Say "I obey"

You did very well!
And as you drop deeper into this trance find that when I do eventually wake you
You'll find that for the next ten minutes

You'll just find yourself obeying anything you are told.
When given a command, you will obey
And when you obey
You will feel so blissful
And so obedient.

This will happen when you awaken
Yet there's one more thing.
When you wake you will find yourself posting another comment.

This comment being,

"I love to be hypnotized to obey"

You love to obey
You like to sink
You like to drift

And for you extra dedicated readers who want to go even deeper
You can find yourself sending me a message
"I like reading your scripts"

Find that all this will happen when you wake
You will feel amazing
You will remember this entire trance if you choose to.
You will feel absolutely amazing

In 3



Wide Awake

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