Cheapter 14

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The next day, Spencer was with Freddie all the time. Frank took Melanie to school. Carly went with Sam to school. At school.

-Hi Frank, maybe you know where Freddie is, I can't find him. Said a worried Gibby

-Hi Gibby unfortunately he is not at school, he is in the hospital. Replied Frank

-In the hospital? Why? Asks surprised Gibby

"He wanted to help Melanie because he was the only person in the sam family who supports Sam so he went to her house and took her things, but unfortunately Melanie's mother was with her boyfriend and he beat him. Frank explains

And how does Freddie feel? Asks Gibby

"It's better, the day before yesterday he left at his own request so as not to worry Sam, but she found out about everything and threw him. So Spencer wanted to comfort him and they went together to move some things and then the seams broke so Spencer drove him to the hospital. Frank explains

-Did she really leave it alone? After all he did for her? Asks surprised Gibby

"She said she wanted a rest for now, so it's a separation for now. Answers Frank

And how did Freddie take it? Asks Gibby

-Not the worst because all the time someone was guarding him. He just wanted to drown his sorrows. Answers Frank

-I understand, thanks for telling me. Thank you Gibby

-There you go, maybe you can visit it? Frank suggests

- Yes, of course. I'll go to him after school. That's right Gibby

"That's good, someone has to be with Freddie all the time so he doesn't do something to himself, like his father. He responds worrying Frank

"Yes, Freddie is very emotional, you don't know what he's going to do, he loves Sam very much, and what does that have to do with his father?" Asks Gibby

"It's true, he can't see life without her, and yesterday his mother said that she also had a similar conversation with his father and had an argument with him so he moved out. He called her, but she didn't answer so he decided to kill himself. Replied Frank

"I didn't know that, Freddie was always hiding what had happened to his father. I hope that Sam will think about the matter and come back to him. Thanks for saying, but I already have to go. Hi Frank. Gibby says goodbye

-Hi Gibby

After school at Carly's.

- And what Sam, what do you want to do with Freddie? Asks Carly

-I wrote to him that I break up with him. Sam Answers

-WHAT? Why? Asks shocked Carly

- I want to do a test. If he loves me, he will come and start apologizing. Although I doubt it. Sam Answers

-Why? Asks Carly

-And do you see that from yesterday he spoke to me, or at least wrote? Sam Asks

-Well, no, but think about it, he loves you. Answers Carly

-I already know that no, probably the whole last evening sat at his lafirinda. Responds to the evil Sam

-Who are you talking about? Asks Carly

"I suspect Freddie has a girlfriend so he didn't want to cuddle with me. Sam Answers

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