Hera's 4 year old Loth rat

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Hera had just landed the ghost in a field outside capital city of lothal she and her crew had to get supplies for the ghost and future missions each had split up so they could get done faster.

Hera was walking through the market with her astromech droid C1-10P (also known as chopper) when they saw a fast moving blue haired child run towards them and passed right by with the small bag of credits Hera had causing her to have to turn and chase after the blue haired child.

Heading towards an old comm tower outside capital city Hera was just below the children as she sees them give her a wave while holding her credits so she follows them up until she see a young malnutrition blue haired boy hiding her credits under a stolen stormtrooper helmet. After getting to know the small Thief and learning the reason he's alone and looks like he's starving is because the empire took his parents on his 3rd birthday and has spent a year on the streets stealing to survive, Hera learns that Ezra was mainly living with other homeless children who was curiosity watching them so taking all the kids to her ship and calling her crew to return she plans to send the kids to alderaan while keeping the young thief for herself.

A week later is how Hera syndulla adopted young Ezra bridger who was also known as specter 6 the youngest member of the ghost crew.

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