A loth rats temper tantrum

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Inside the ghost peace wasn't a thing due to the youngest Spector's loud temper tantrum as kanan was trying and failing to get Ezra into his winter clothes so that he can be taken to ilum so he can begin his training as a peace keeper of the gray order.

Kanan, Sabine, Zeb and chopper was having a hard time getting Ezra to calm down as all he kept saying is that he wants hera but unfortunately the owner of the ghost and adopted mother of Ezra was currently off world in the phantom meeting with her contacts as the crew was struggling to find work but with the fact ahsoka wanted kanan to bring Ezra to the temple was causing the biggest issue for the crew.

A few stressful hours later Sabine and zeb beg kanan to just contact hera as now all the plates, cups, and books were flying around the ghost as ezra still hasn't calmed down at all so the fearless leader sighed in defeat and was about to call hera only for chopper and hera to enter the small kitchen area after returning from their mission and seeing her ship in a big mess and her little boy on the floor sobbing his winter clothes pinned to the walls by the knives that the crew also had to dodge.

All hera can say was what happened here then suddenly everything suddenly dropped and ezra ran to hera holding his arms out electric blue eyes filled with tears melting heras heart as mother mode activated while the rest of the crew all passed out exhausted from their youngest crew members behaviour.

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